Archangel Michael: Allow yourself to find this balance – and of course we will help – of being in the bliss, infusing the bliss into the words, knowing and understanding the pain and suffering and disappointment of those who are still in the midst of [their cleansing]. (1)
Allowing myself to write about bliss has always been a big barrier for me. When I grew up, bliss was a synonym for “being high” or “dropping out.”
The generation older than us associated bliss with irresponsible flower children who had no future.
Nevertheless, bliss will be our everyday level of consciousness in the Fifth Dimension and higher. We might as well get used to it: We lucked out.
However, we can rise and rise in vibrational level and yet still think we’re in the Third. We have to break through the barriers that our beliefs create to recognize when we’re in a higher dimension. I’ve seen this for myself on at least two occasions.
I’d like to invite us to break through any barriers we have around bliss.
I’ve written before that orgasm is a taste of bliss. It features a touch of ecstacy at the moment of climax, which makes it nearly unbearable to our everyday consciousness. (2)
But we remember it. And we want it again. I think sex was designed to keep us procreating.
Be that as it may, orgasm is perhaps the only access to bliss that most of us have.
I prize bliss. And so I’ve explored what it might take to access bliss more often, apart from sex. The biggest thing I’ve found is that, when I feel an errant wisp of bliss (same with love), I can ride that wisp back to the big wave. (3)
I can do that. It’s an act of imagination of course, but imagination is creative on the Fifth Dimension – or even the Fourth. It’s the one use of my imagination that produces delightful, tangible results.
Once I’m in the Lake of the Nectar of Immortality, as Ramakrishna calls it, (4) everything is fine. Everything is bearable. Everything is in equal action/reaction balance. The positive nestles in the negative like the yin/yang symbol. All extremes would disappear in bliss.
Bliss is missing in our society. So is love, peace, joy, all the divine qualities. Compared to living in the experience of them, our lives are like swimming through mud. (5)
One minute in bliss and we recapture our emotional state lost in descending into Third Dimensionality and all is well again.
If we all recognized these wisps of bliss as they transit through us, and ride them to their source, this world would not need medicines, money, laws. No one would talk about these things. No one would seek them out. They’d simply disappear from people’s minds and houses.
Just like forgiveness would. There’d be nothing to forgive in a world of bliss. Ideas like “injury” and “forgiveness” would fade away from lack of use.
The world would work for everyone.
That I would write about this subject again and again, does it not say something about a level of commitment?
And does that commitment not suggest the incredible level of satisfaction with life one feels with bliss, that would motivate one to write about it again and again?
Can we now, today, just short of our vision clarifying in 2020, allow bliss out of the prison cell? It’s a wonderful and magical state that heals all wounds and opens all doors.
I will send you my blissful comforter, said Jesus. Bliss calls all things to remembrance. Bliss is universally praised.
If we could hang out the “Bliss is Welcome Here” sign, we’d be doing humanity more of a service than … well, most things we’re thinking of now. Bliss would make most of them irrelevant.
Bliss, ambrosia, nectar is what will heal all wounds and bring the nations together.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 23, 2016.
(2) Just as an electric coil heats up and glows when electricity is run through it, so the unbearable quality of orgasm comes from us resisting its wonderfulness.
We, in our usual states, are not able to reach these levels and find them at least unfamiliar. When we hold back on feeling the ecstacy, we experience the sensation as unbearable.
(3) It’d make the article too long to talk about the other road in to bliss: Raising bliss from our hearts on the in-breath and breathing it out to the world on the out-breath. But that road in exists as well. And there are undoubtedly others.
(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 217.
(5) In the out-of-body experience I had in 1977, the etheric body was lighter than the down at the base of a feather. Meanwhile the physical body had the consistency of a lacrosse ball (India rubber). The body was a non-conductor of the refined emotions and sensations that the etheric body experienced.