In rummaging through my files for a quote on “drama,” I happened instead on this remarkable interview I had with Archangel Michael the very day of my 2015 heart opening.
Since we as a planet are going through a more gradual version of one, what Michael has to say here must surely be of interest.
Let me set the chronology straight. The heart opening occurred on March 13, 2015 at 7:00 am in the morning.
I’m not going to describe the experience. That’s been done. (1)
But, as it was happening, I knew that three hours later I’d be speaking to Michael and this then is that conversation.
I’m saying to him, what in heaven’s name was that? And he’s telling me, including why it happened.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
Archangel Michael: And yes, your heart is open. The opening is, and will, and shall continue.
Steve: You mean permanently, Lord, really?
AAM: Yes
S: Oh my! Please!
AAM: Because, you have said yes! …
This occurs, not merely because you have asked for it, but because you (and this does apply to the collective) have done your, can we say, your homework, your due diligence.
What we mean by this is simply, think of it in spatial reality, time and space reality: you have created the space for this [energy of love] to, not only pass by you like a passing breeze or a rain, but to anchor within you because there is a sense of this spaciousness within thee. …
When one is clinging to core issues, to fear, to lack, to limitation – you know the list – there is not that sense, not only of spaciousness, but of acceptance, allowance, readiness and even permission. Because as you know, we continually say that we will never override your free will.
So, if the will, either actively or subconsciously, is actually choosing to still engage in the issues or the drama, then although we are standing at readiness and still penetrating you, that open door is not there. [My emphasis.]
S: So, the open door was there with me?
AAM: That is correct.
S: Did the exercise of bringing love up from my heart and sending it out through my third eye to the world play a role in this?
AAM: Yes, it did.
S: Could you talk about that for just a bit, please?
AAM: One of the strongest or the ultimate expressions of love, of willingness to not only participate in love but to be the love, is in the sharing. To say that you are love, or are loved, or you love this, that, someone… but [then] you keep it within you, you hoard it.
And we do not necessarily mean that in a negative way – sometimes the feeling is so blissful you do not wish to actually take the next step quite yet, in terms of sharing.
The ultimate experience is in the sharing. This is what we speak of when we speak of sacred union and partnership. How can you possibly be in any form of partnership with humanity, with the Star-beings, with us, with any being, if you are not sharing?
So what you do when you bring the love up and out, when you begin to send it, to share it, it is as if you have in fact activated what we call the wellspring. The visual you may think of is the volcano. [This is the explosive heart opening.]
It is not that you empty out. It is that you discover that that wellspring is SO full and overflowing that it is a steady stream. That steady stream does not ever, ever – think of what I say! – it never has to cease!
Try to imagine what he’s talking about – an endless stream, an eternal wellspring of love – it never has to cease. That’s what a heart opening liberates in us.
And that’s the process that we as a globe are currently going through, more gradually than I did (or Bright Star). It’s only one step in our Ascension process, an “ignition,” a “jump” as the Mother calls it. (3)
(1) A heart opening is a fourth-chakra event. When the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra, the heart opens. I’ve experienced another type of fourth-chakra event as well (at Xenia). Hindus call a fourth-chakra event spiritual awakening; Buddhists call it stream-entering.
We as a planet are in the midst of a global heart opening.
Of it, Michael said recently: “The global opening of the heart, the activations, the awakening and the activation shall we say of heart intelligence, of being anchored in that area of the heart is progressing phenomenally well. … We would say you are well past the halfway mark, dear hearts.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2019.)
That may be why I feel so moved to talk about my experience – because we’re all going through a gradual version of what for me was explosive. I so hope I’m right.
My heart opening is described here: “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, at
Bright Star’s heart opening is described here:
“Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,” December 29, 2017,
The Xenia experience is described here:
“Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” September 22, 2018, at
As with the heart opening, I had prearranged a half year earlier with Linda to have a reading with him before there was a thought of Xenia. (These things are fixed! Ask the archangels!)
(3) Divine Mother: “Then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And then you will be there [Sahaja Samadhi and Ascension]
SB: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes?
DM: You can think of it as sub-planes, dimensional sub-planes, yes. (“The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans (Repost),” September 15, 2017, at