There are no coincidences. I came across this discussion last night, days after having written the article above. (1) It had to be.
I didn’t remember this discussion when I wrote the earlier article.
Just two weeks before I went under the knife for prostate surgery in April 2016, Archangel Michael, in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, gave me and Linda a wonderful, impromptu lecture on the coming world.
Perhaps he knew I’d be spending a lot of time on my back, dreaming.
But his description of it is so enthralling – and of course I’ve experienced more of that world he’s talking about since then – that I must repost it here. Compare the two views. It may act like 3D glasses.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon,
April 13, 2016.
Archangel Michael: We have begun this day by speaking of what lies ahead. That there is a new realm, a new chapter….
Let me talk to you and I will talk to the channel as well so I’m asking her to come back.
Alright. Many times we have spoken of a new realm of existence and even that term is infused with hope and grace and promise and wonder, and the sense of the fulfilment of dreams.
But in reality, in your realm, as you have said often weighed down by the practicalities of no money and limited love life or engagement in community which has been very rewarding for both of you [Linda and Steve], there isn’t really a sense of what does this mean, “a new realm of existence”?
If you were to go to bed tonight and you woke up and not just a sense of bliss or ecstasy and not the sense that the world, the physical realm as you know it, had disappeared but that you woke up and you knew, just upon opening your eyes, that everything from the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual realm had shifted.
You would be aghast with wonder and there would be a moment of slight trepidation. What lays out my front door? But it would also be filled with such excitement that you would be rushing out the front door to discover what.
Can you imagine walking out that front door and finding that you could telepathically understand and connect, not intrusively, but in a heart and mind way, not only with human beings but with your star family walking the streets, with the animals that were roaming free and safe, with the elementals that live in your parks and rivers and streams and oceans? And that the attitude, the behaviours and the level of understanding had been translated, transmuted, transformed into knowingness of love.
Steve: That would be wonderful.
AAM: That is the new realm of existence that we are talking about.
Steve: Yes, I have experienced that so I do know what you’re talking about. (2)
AAM: And it is for the entire planet. It is not a distant dream! It is not a doorway that is far away.
You see there are two things that are going on simultaneously. While you are looking to the practical, and we understand that, the signs, the shifts, the financial support, the institutional shifts, within the Mother’s time, there is simply the desire and the declaration of a new realm of existence beginning. (3)
Do these exactly coincide? No. But they are very close. What we are suggesting to you is that the new realm of existence is upon you. It’s right there.
Steve: And I’m not realizing it, is that the case? (4)
AAM: You will recognize it. So do you need to keep your heart and mind and entire being open to it? …Because you both are communicators and announcers of this new realm which is why we are discussing it.
A new realm that would completely eradicate a sense of waiting or ennui. Yes. Yes, you are at the doorstep, your hand is on the door handle so we are inviting you both of you, step through.
Steve: What does that look like, to “step through,” Lord. What does that take?
AAM: It takes fortitude, determination, faith, trust and loving yourself enough to give yourself the chance to say, “It can be entirely different. I am of Creator Source. I am Creator and I choose a different realm of existence.”
Not reality, but realm of existence. And so when you go to sleep at night, both of you are declaring, “I will awaken to a new realm of existence.” And allow it to emerge, as if it is emerging like Atlantis from the waves.
Steve: And the new realm of existence is characterized by universal love and bliss?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Alright, so that is what we should be looking for.
AAM: Yes, and it is what is knocking on your door and you are letting it in. You have been doing this so it is transcending into a more permanent state of that realm of existence.
Steve: Very good. Anything more you want to say on that?
AAM: I think this would entice you adequately, would it not?
Steve: Oh, that state would be the answer to all my dreams, all my requests, I’m sure, Lord! (5)
AAM: It would be the answer to many dreams and you will help many to see it, to discover it, to shift into that realm.
It is not about the separation of humankind when stuck in the old and the other in a new realm. It is simply opening the floodgates.
(1) “What is Our Future? – Steve,”
(2) In the heart opening of March 13, 2015.
(3) Linda Dillon’s sources call it “the cleaned-up Third.” We better know it as the Fifth Dimension. But whatever it is, because we enter it taking our bodies with us, which has never been done before, it’s a space that did not exist previously. Michael discussed it here:
Steve: Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it is brand new.
Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?
AAM: That is correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2015.)
At one point in his post-mortem career, Matthew Ward designed astral worlds for planets. In the same way, this new space that we’ll occupy has been designed. And we’ll inaugurate it.
(4) Several times I’ve had flashes that suggest that changes in the environment have already occurred and I’m not seeing them because I don’t believe they exist.
(5) It is!