May I interrupt our regular broadcasting for a moment, so to speak, to mention something about medical problems, especially heart problems.
I make this note in light of our going through a gradual heart opening.
First, if you’re having serious medical problems with your heart, I consider it unwise to conclude by yourself (that is, without medical opinion) that it’s a heart opening rather than a possible heart attack. (1)
We’ve had one gentleman (John) write in and say he had a heart attack. But he responded to it medically and reached the hospital in time to not jeopardize himself or his abilities. (2)
Until we’re no longer in these bodies, I believe that we need to relate to them physically first and spiritually only after we’ve ensured our physical survival. How many times has Michael said to me that I’m no good to him dead. (3)
And, second, I’m not a fit person to answer medical questions, I’m afraid. I know nothing of medicine. Sorry.
So if you could keep those two matters in mind as we go through a gradual heart opening, I’d greatly appreciate it and I suspect it would serve you as well.
I’ll post John’s two notes on his heart attack in footnote 4.
(1) OK, I admit that I said I work for the Divine Mother and consider anything like this (heart opening, in progress) happening to me to be from her and by her Will.
Keep in mind that I was not assailed by terrible chest pains like John was.
Nevertheless, if you want to go that route, that’s up to you. You have free will.
But if you have a partner, children or grandchildren who rely on you and would miss you, you may want to check the condition out immediately with medical staff.
One more note: In my heart opening, yes, I had an explosion happen from my heart.
But I did not have pains or any other symptoms before the explosion; the explosion itself lasted a fraction of a second; and I was more shocked than in any way hurt or harmed by it.
Generalized pain to my totally-non-professional ears, sounds like grounds to make haste to a hospital. That is the only medical advice I will offer.
(2) At the time of the attack, John did not know whether he was having a heart attack or a stroke – or for that matter a heart opening. If it was a stroke, he needed to get to a hospital fast or he’d suffer some loss of powers – and he did. Fortunately, it was not a stroke.
Generalized pain should alert someone (I suggest) to the fact that what’s happening is probably more medical than spiritual. Please be safe, everyone.
(3) “Dear heart, you are in form. There is only so much that, as a human being, any human being can manage. Yes, there will be a different kind of busyness in future years, but not if you are lying on the ground dead.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 5, 2016.)
(4) Thanks to John for allowing me to post his emails.
First email, Aug. 14, 2019:
I wanted to share a little story and maybe you can pass it on to Steve. He and AAM are always talking about folks who think they are having a heart attack and it’s really part of the mothers heart opening…….well I turned that one around a couple of weeks ago………I had lot’s of chest and heart pain and was thinking( maybe just hoping) that is was my time for my heart opening; but alas it was in fact a heart attack. All is well now and I got to ER in the middle of it and they opened up blockage and put a stent in and I’m on my way to recovery! I guess I’m still waiting for my spiritual heart opening!! But I might have it in ER as I’m sure I’ll be a little leery and quite cautious going forward!!!
Second email, also Aug. 14, 2019:
From what I’ve heard and my recent experience, I would have to say that having a heart attack will be obvious to you within an hour or so. Mine started as GI discomfort in upper abdomen and then spread to chest area and heart and then became so painful as there could be NO mistake; it’s like the worst pain you ever had and it’s all over the chest area. Imagine smashing your thumb with a hammer and that’s the feeling all over your chest!! I was fortunate to get to a world class ER at dawn thirty and there was a cardiologist on duty and no one else in the place. I was on the surgery table within 20 minutes. Went for a couple of short walks today and felt pretty good so I’m happy with recovery so far. That’s my 2nd close scrape, so I guess I need to be around for another few years. Just helps me to be a little more thankful and appreciative of what I/we have. Love to ya all on the left coast from here in geezerland! John
PS: I was not a heart attack candidate; perfect health and none of the pre recs. Like high BP or cholesterol. Just one of those little curve balls life can throw at you when your 76.