We’re told that Nova Earth will see the rise of a new form of leadership. What form will that be?
Archangel Michael tells us: The new leadership “is not about the old realm of control or greed, or anything like that.” (1)
It won’t be top-down, he explains. The new leadership “is not telling people what to do. It is role modelling.” (2)
And role-modeling what?
“The leader/leadership is the role modelling of love, of consideration, of clarity,” he suggests. (3)
The new paradigm, he explains on another occasion, “is leadership with love.” (4)
If we want to get our bearings in any new leadership situation, he says, “one of the questions that you can always ask yourself [is], ‘What would love do? How does love behave?’” (5)
“If it is not of clarity, of sweetness, and of love, then there is no place for it.” (6)
“Leadership is necessary,” he continues, but “it does not mean better than.” (7)
“What you are doing is learning to operate in a new way. It is a new paradigm for Earth because very often you tend to think of organizations in a very hierarchical manner.” (8)
What we need to do, the Divine Mother counsels us, is “not relinquish leadership but relinquish control.” (9)
Michael counsels us to share the mantle of power:
“One of the rules of engagement is the sharing of the mantle of power.
“It is not that you do not contribute in many ways. Of course you do. …
“Think of it very much as one person, one vote, but it is more amorphous than that. It has need to be an ebb and flow and an honoring of each person having a piece of that mantle.” (10)
Michael advised me personally what my leadership within my fund would look like:
“Your role is to create and let go; create and let go. In many of these situations what you are doing, and the control issue comes up often in interpersonal relationships as well, so you are creating – letting go; suggesting – letting go; stepping back – letting go.” (11)
He offers his own leadership as an example:
“I am a leader of my legions. But if you do not think we work cooperatively, of course we do. I would never put my will upon any being for that is not the way of love.” (12)
He also offers the example of the Dalai Lama:
” The Dalai Lama, who is a sacred being, is a monk first and foremost and he is a world leader and he is a political leader and he is the leader of many movements but he does not engage in the lower vibration, the drama.
“He does not engage in business forays or business paradigms that would like to buy him, to buy his branding, to buy his approval, to buy his recommendations. No, he is not for sale. He is in the sacred space of being guided from within and above. So that is the role model that you will follow. …
“He is the essence of purity. There are many who are always trying to decry those who walk a clean line but it is simply not the case.” (13)
We might ask ourselves how we can lead when we work with galactics who are dimensionally more evolved than us. Michael tells us:
“The Galactics … will really ask for human leadership in order to be not be seen as trying in any way to assume control.” (14)
Now is the time for a strong resumption of leadership, he declares:
“It is time for that assumption of leadership responsibility to be front and centre.” (15)
“In order for the plan to be unfolding, in order for the practical building blocks (which is what you’re asking for – money) to be in place, there has need to be a very strong re-assumption of leadership.” (16)
It may not be as easy to imagine how we can lead before abundance arrives, but it’ll be a far more pressing concern after. What we need to do now, in my opinion, is prepare for that time.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 3, 2015.
(2) Ibid., July 21, 2015.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Ibid., April 3, 2015.
(5) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2015.
(6) Ibid., July 21, 2015.
(7) Ibid., April 3, 2015.
(9) Ibid., March 8, 2011.
(8) “An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time,’” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/
(10) AAM, ibid., March 8, 2011.
(11) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2015.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) Ibid., June 6, 2018.
(14) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, Nov. 13, 2012.
(15) AAM with Steve Beckow, ibid., April 3, 2015.
(16) Loc. cit.