Having dipped my toe into the water, (1) I’d like to take another step or two in.
Originally I’d never have thought I’d be speaking on these matters. But Michael predicted I would (2) and recently I’ve felt an inner pressure to be doing so.
I’d like to start looking at sources of unusual wealth by drawing attention to something Michael said to Kathleen in 2012:
“The Galactics have no shortage of money and so there will be some very massive projects and the funds will be made available but they will really ask for human leadership in order to be not be seen as trying to in any way assume control.” (3)
For anyone wanting to get involved, the galactics “really ask for human leadership in order to be not be seen as trying to in any way assume control.” This is an open invitation and a clear admission that they want humans to take the lead.
Never mind that he identified the galactics as one source of unusual wealth; they want our partnership.
The Divine Mother and Michael state that the Company of Heaven is watching lightworkers who step up to the humanitarian/philanthropic plate. Those who use the money wisely will be given greater and greater responsibilities.
The Mother said: “We give you [your] allowance and we see how you do.” (4) Michael explained in 2016:
Steve: Now I have been saying to readers that the Company of Heaven is watching financial wayshowers and stewards…
AAM: That is correct.
Steve:… And that those who do well – in other words, do the job of hydrating society – will find themselves supported to go forward.
AAM: That is correct. (5)
In the same year he added:
“Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many.” (6)
We have only to ask and state our willingness for them to begin to work with us. Well, that’s my gut feeling.
Where’s this unusual wealth coming from? In 2016 Michael talked about “the abundance programs, plural.” (7) I should have twigged when I head the phrase, but I did not.
On another occasion, he said, echoing the Mother: “That is why we have also said (this is an aside), there will be several waves of abundance. So we give you the allowance and we see how you do.” (8)
Later, once I began to realize the significance of being used as a pipeline, I asked him to confirm the sources of unusual wealth. And he did.
Steve: First of all, I want to have more understanding of where the inflow of money is coming from. Some of its coming from the Chinese elders, that’s correct, right?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: … And some from the prosperity packages [of the St. Germaine World Trust]?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: … Some from sequestered illuminati money, human rights abusers? [Executive Order, Dec. 21, 2017.]
AAM: Yes. …
Steve: … Some from historical assets [what used to be called “trading platforms,” historical bonds]?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: … Off-planet gold?
AAM: Yes. … Gold is a universal currency and it certainly has value upon this planet of Gaia. So, yes, those transfers have mostly been made and made about a year ago. (9)
Off-planet gold was contributed a year ago? That’s about the time when Linda Dillon reported seeing spaceships leave the Neptune mothership carrying gold to Earth. This trans-shipment may be what Michael is referring to here.
Couple all this with another remark he made about a year later: “There is a great deal of wealth, not only upon your planet but off-planet [as well].” (10)
I could name several other sources not so far named but some sources desire anonymity.
On another occasion, he described how wealth might flow:
“This will be by a variety of means. It will be by anonymous donations or checks or deposits or a mysterious interlude with strangers. And if one of those strangers should look like St. Germaine, do not be surprised!” (11)
Encounters with the Scarlet Pimpernel. My life is definitely getting better.
The Reval therefore is only one flow of wealth to be used to create Nova Earth.
All in all, he commented, “you are being given enormous, enormous sums of money. And that money will also generate money.” (12)
I don’t believe these words apply to me alone. The Company of Heaven is clearly intent on introducing abundance into the terrestrial equation by any and all means.
I believe he’s telling lightworkers that the celestials are prepared to enter into a co-creative partnership with those boots on the ground who are prepared to reciprocate.
Just to give you a snapshot of how a person can expand by taking on a larger project, look at the difference in the next two discussions.
One occurred before I’d really grasped what he wanted from me as a pipeline. I was still just a currency holder. The second occurred after. Listen to the change in tenor.
Archangel Michael: You will have ample money, dear heart. That is not an issue.
Steve: Even for universal basic incomes for a few countries?
AAM: Yes. (13)
Now listen to the altered tone after we discussed the subject of a pipeline at more length:
Steve: Okay, so I’ll go ahead and try to create as many universal basic incomes as I can.
Archangel Michael: Yes, until such time as they are not needed.
Steve: If I’m going to be a pipeline, I should have the means to do this. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: And I can rely on you to direct me to people in countries who can manage these projects?
AAM: Yes. There are already many who are fully capable, given the resources, to manage such a project. But because the political, financial, social, and institutional structure has not been there, the will has also not been there.
These people are in other positions and low-level occupations. But they are right there, sweet one, and, yes, we will bring them forward. (14)
I’ve gone from thinking about doing three or four UBIs to considering as many as possible. I get bigger in the process of taking on a bigger responsibility.
The Company of Heaven wants many leaders. Michael has already said that only lightworkers will have the depth of understanding of what’s happening to be able to lead well in the time of abundance ahead. (15)
I’m certain this is being said to get you to step up as one willing to be a leader in all that’s being discussed here.
It isn’t just the Reval that can provide the wealth. It’s just one of a number of options.
If conditions don’t improve such that the Reval can be released, Michael once said, the Company of Heaven are ready to go another route – primarily leaning on the St. Germaine World Trust to create the flow, as Michael reveals here:
“So when we say that in the current amorphous structure – well, amorphous as you know it – that St. Germaine’s World Trust is tucked into under that umbrella of prosperity packages, there is also the chance (because it is not written in stone, not even in amethyst), that if things do not go forward at a pace that is desirable for the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan, [St. Germaine] will proceed with the disbursement of his funds in a different way.” (16)
Abundance will go ahead by one means or another and from one source or another like a swollen river seeking a channel.
I’m hoping that a picture is beginning to emerge – of massive flows of wealth, coming to Earth from all manner of sources and needing to be used to build Nova Earth while hydrating society.
The galactics could build a new world. But that would deprive us, its citizens, of a learning experience. The Law of Free Will says it’s our planet – we messed it up and we clean it up. But the galactics have the tools to actually finish the job.
So we’ll probably be working together, with us making the important decisions for the planet and them making the important decisions in galactic science and technology.
The Company of Heaven wants us to lead in the redistribution of wealth. And in putting the wealth to good use.
Those that step up to the plate will be given more and more responsibility and the wherewithal to really make a difference in the world.
From where I sit, the ball seems irrefutably in our court. This could be our time to shine if we step up to play.
(1) In “A Pipeline for Unusual Wealth,”
(2) Steve: Until now, I’ve been saying, “Look, I can’t discuss this side of my affairs”
Archangel Michael: But you will.
Steve: I will discuss this side?
AAM: Not yet, but you will. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.)
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, Nov. 13, 2012.
(4) Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, July 1, 2016. On another occasion, we had this discussion:
Steve: Am I correct in thinking that those people who cultivate generosity will be used as channels for further abundance?
Archangel Michael: Yes, that is correct. Understand: love begets love; generosity begets gratitude, begets generosity; joy begets generosity, begets gratitude. You are absolutely correct. (“Archangel Michael on How to Work with the Reval,” Sept. 30, 2013 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/financial-wayshowing-reval/the-reval-itself/archangel-michael-on-how-to-work-with-the-reval/.)
(6) Ibid., May 27, 2016.
(7) Ibid., Aug. 6, 2013.
(8) Ibid., March 10, 2017.
(9) Ibid. March 28, 2018.
(10) Ibid., Oct. 2, 2013.
(11) Ibid., June 6, 2018.
(12) Ibid., July 1, 2016.
(13) Ibid., Feb. 20, 2018.
(14) Ibid., Dec. 5, 2018.
(15) Archangel Michael: If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] then there is a massive vacuum because many of the billions upon your planet have not yet learned, adapted and integrated the new tools – the fullness of this new energy.
So [when non-lightworkers] are assigned … or try to step up … to create and to take the leadership role, they do not have the training and insight to do it in a way that is achievable. … So there is a lack, a vacuum of leadership.
Now, who, upon this wondrous planet, has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or is in the limelight and is ready? … Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well, it is the lightworkers. (“Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.)
(16) Ibid., March 28, 2018.