The secret of pleasing and comprehensible writing? In my view, it’s writing as you speak.
Let’s not talk about content here, but process only for a moment.
You speak to yourself at times, do you not? A little less than constantly, right? Like me?
Write as you speak.
You’re used to speaking to yourself. Now pretend that you’re speaking into the computer, through your fingers. The words are magically appearing on the screen.
The slower you type, the fewer thoughts you’ll capture so typing speed does play a role here.
My speed last measured was 98 words a minute, which for me is like talking sssslllloooowwwwwlllly.
But if I can tolerate speaking to myself that slowly, then, at 98 wpm, I can capture every word that I speak. (1)
If I only capture every second or third thought, my writing can sound jumpy. Like so many broken strands all jumbled together.
But I can say from experience that, looking back on things, if you write in the manner I described above, over time a flow will start. You may or may not be aware when you enter into some sort of divine co-creative process with someone somewhere. And then it really starts. (2)
We’ll have released our native intelligence from a layer of density and raised our vibrations.
In summary: Write this down and paste it on your mirror, aspiring writers: Write as you speak.
Postscript: Sitara has just shown me that one can actually dictate in Mac Pages. How much easier can it get? (3)
(1) The mind races ahead much faster than that. Talking to myself … well, it proceeds like a normal conversation. It might take 150-200 wpm to capture it. I don’t know.
(2) Blossom Goodchild has demonstrated in channeling how intimate this communication can become: “Blossom Goodchild and White Cloud: Absolute Proof the Change has Begun (Reposted),”
(3) See “How do I enable dictation so I can speak … – Apple Community” at httpss://