In the dead of winter in Ottawa, Ontario, the nation’s capital, where I was doing an MA in Canadian History, I determined to extend the length of the cord to my car’s block heater.
I took out a pair of scissors, unhooked the cord from the block heater and (what is wrong with this picture?) cut the electrical cord.
I was in the snow. I had no rubber gloves on. I was young – and evidently stupid.
There was a flash and a bang! And the scissors had a big hole in them.
Why aren’t I dead?
Ever since then, I’ve wondered: Why was I not killed that day? The cord didn’t need to be pulled from the block heater; it needed to be pulled from the wall.
It never occurred to me to ask Archangel Michael what happened that day and on my last reading it did. His answer is pretty darned revealing. Remember that I have no reason to doubt him so I’m just very straight in talking about the issue with him. Notice the quickness of his reaction and what he did:
Steve: In around 1970 in Ottawa, I snipped the wire from my car’s block heater to an outlet in my home. I pulled the wire out from the block heater and snipped it. Well, that’s exactly the opposite of what I should be doing. I should be pulling it out of the building and then snipping it, right?
AAM: Correct.
Steve: I should’ve been electrocuted! Did you have a hand in that? Tell me what you did or what happened?
AAM: Well, it was not a major undertaking, Sweet One, to simply prevent the flow of electricity.
Oh yah?
So, yes, it was not your time. You were, shall we say, young and foolish.
Yes. A complete dolt.
Steve: I was totally asleep to have done that! Oh my gosh! Isn’t that interesting! Thank you for that.
AAM: You are more than welcome
Steve: I don’t know how I just reconciled it so easily at the time.
AAM: Because there were no consequences! Because the consequences would have been quite dire.
Steve: What would they have been? Dying, right?
AAM: Correct. (1)
You have no idea how affirming and confidence-building it is for me to think that Michael intervened at that moment. My wife tells me I did this a second time; I didn’t ask him about that. I don’t think I need to.
And I haven’t talked about another time when he saved me from equal foolishness. I don’t think I will. I’m too embarrassed.
I know it’s all based on conversation and no objective proof that any of this occurred. But I live in the reality in which all these things I’m describing are true for me. You can talk to archangels. You can work for the Divine Mother.
One other item from that reading before leaving the subject.
I’m not of the school that feels President Barack Obama is guilty of crimes, large or small. I’m aware that he made some deals for matters such as troop extraction from Iraq and he may have done other similar actions; I don’t know. There were deals made where the light was served but at some expense.
However, the phoney evidence against him – the cabal-engineered birth certificate, his Columbia University students card and the deep-fake statement before a town hall meeting that he was born in Kenya – these are what we now call “fake news.” My information is that none of them is accurate.
And why are we focusing on President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, when George H.W. Bush … or rather George Scherff … was not born in America, but in Germany? (2) We’re being led around by the memes.
Consider this. President Obama was more or less neutered during his presidency; the deep state was in the driver’s seat. But then, afterwards, when “she lost” – and they never thought she would – when the ball of thread began untangling, all blame for everything that happened in the Obama years was placed on the formerly-neutered President. What’s wrong with that picture? Which is it? Neutered or decisive?
Don’t bother lobbing grenades at me. This is how I see it.
With all of that as backdrop, here’s what Michael had to say:
Steve: Is Pres. Obama in captivity?
President Obama was said to be in captivity in Gitmo, awaiting military trial for treason, etc. Part of the anti-Obama meme. Meanwhile he was just here in Vancouver at a fund-raising event. Business as usual. Come on, guys.
Archangel Michael: No.
Steve: Has he done all the bad things that they are saying he did?
AAM: No.
Steve: Okay, he’s clear?
AAM: He has never been clearer. Again, it is distraction. It is to take a being who is a an agent and an angel of change and to sully his light so that people will not follow. (3)
I repeat: I believe this communication to be true and am holding the space for President Obama emerging from the implosion of the cabal with his reputation – and his dignity – intact. I will not participate in the current meme that represents President Obama as a reprehensible being.
I get hot under the collar on a few things. And defending President Obama is one of them. I await the decision of an uncorrupted court based on credible evidence on any charges brought against him. Without it, he remains innocent in my eyes.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019.
(2) “This President Was Not Born an American Citizen (Repost),”
(3) Archangel Michael, ibid.