I want to go on record as favoring affirmative action.
I personally am involved in affirmative-action initiatives to close the disparity gap between women and men.
My mother was a victim of spousal abuse. I became a gender-issues refugee adjudicator, sitting on claims, among other things, of spousal abuse. The blog serves the resurgence of the Divine Feminine.
Other people are involved in closing other gaps – probably with similar backgrounds.
If we’re going to have an equal world, we’re going to have to equalize – in food supplies, electricity, access to clean water, shelter, income levels, access to education – gaps, gaps, gaps. They’ll all need to be closed.
The need will simply grow and grow as peace returns to the world and nations drop their ideologies and thirst for war. Name calling and provocation will stop. Immediately thereafter we’ll have to see to rebuilding and equalizing.
And that means affirmative action. It means other things as well – negotiating skills, freedom from vasanas, self-control, etc.
Until the balance is equalized or restored, there’ll probably be more action that favors the disadvantaged than the advantaged.
What we want to avoid is the advantaged being unwilling to equalize and begin to belittle and provoke the disadvantaged. To say that those who demand equality are man-haters, toxic feminists, etc., is an example of using name-calling to provoke a reaction, a casus belli. Can we emerge from that millennia-old ruse at last?
Sanat Kumara once said – and Kathleen would agree with him, I’m sure – that the whole intent of the universal laws is to restore balance.
Some people call that point of balance the stillpoint; some call it the “Now moment.” They point to the same thing.
There’s something magical about the balance point, the Now Moment, the still point. It’s a portal to a higher space.
The balance point for me, as a follower of the awareness path, is the so-called eye of the needle. On the other side of it, things open up.
It’s the place the awareness path is also designed to bring us to. There’ll be others who are active and have no interest in being still. And that’s fine too.
But the entire intent of affirmative action is to restore the balance in our global society – balance on every front, with no residue.
Reconciliation. Forgiveness. Gratitude.
Previously we’ve lacked the political will to mount any kind of effective society-wide action. But, with the steadily-rising energies, I don’t believe that lack of concerted will will last.