Today I’ll be issuing two statements from Archangel Michael on the subject of the Reval – one from Oct. 21, 2015 and one from June 6, 2018.
In 2015, I asked Archangel Michael for a message to readers who were currency holders, on the day of the Reval. Here’s his response.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 21, 2015.
Archangel Michael: Dearly beloveds, sweet allies of light, hope of tomorrow, warriors of peace of today, I welcome you.
I welcome you in the fruitfulness of this declaration of freedom upon Gaia and I bring to you the insights and the guidance of the Mother. So it is not only on my behalf, but her behalf, that I address you this day.
Dearest hearts, family, endurers, do not in the slightest vary from your path. You have been, and you are, the stalwart warriors of light and love.
This blessing is not a reward for a job well done. That blessing is the love that we shower over you each and every day, every moment, every hour, and every millennium.
This blessing is for the forward march of humanity, this magnificent collective, in the reconstruction, the rebuilding, the re-anchoring and the bringing of the new to Nova Being and Nova Earth.
Do not embrace the missteps, the habits, the addictions of the old Third Dimension that have led to its downfall. (1) Honour your sacred self and each other and your knowing of what has need to be accomplished and brought forth, birthed anew, in the name of love.
This is not about turning away from your sacred mission and purpose. This is about more deeply embracing the truth of who you are, your mastery, and why you are here. (2)
Guidance, inspiration, manifestation, the creation of miracles in form is your birthright. (3) Embrace the qualities of prudence, of patience, of fortitude and [act] in the balance of joy, and awe, and grace.
Go forward. Do, my beloved friends, what brings you such glee that your heart sings and your lungs and mouth wish to burst into song!
But do not forget the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Do not forget the balance of sacred self, sacred partnership, sacred family, sacred community and sacred work, sacred play and sacred staring at the wall.
This blessing is not a work project. It is a joy project. Do not scurry. Do not hurry.
Be vigilant in how you approach your life – not merely projects, but your life – because it is the totality of your expression upon sweet Gaia; it is the ascension of humanity and many other planetary systems.
It is not [to be found] in the rush and the furor. It is not [to be found] in an idolatry of money. It is [to be found] in the balance, in the sweetness of your beloved soul.
You are gifted this blessing because you are honoured, you are cherished, you are valued and you are loved. Turn to us as we turn to you – as the gatekeepers, the pillars, the way showers, the builders of Nova Earth/Terra Gaia.
Go in peace. Amen.
(1) What occurs to me is: Do not repeat Atlantis.
(2) The truth of who you are: You are God and a fragment of God and all your other selves.
Your mastery: Your higher dimensionality.
And why you are here: Your sacred purpose, unique to you. Hint: It’s what you absolutely love doing! For me: Writing.
(3) In the Fifth Dimension and higher, you’ll be creating freely. You’re an already-ascended being or you wouldn’t be here as a lightworker/currency holder/financial wayshower and so this freedom to create can be thought of as yours by right of evolution, from before you were born (i.e., birthright).