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If we’re to raise our vibrations, we need to know what needs raising.
Allow me to use an email we received recently as a case in point of what some of that may be.
I’m not sure this person would want to call himself a lightworker. He is however a currency holder.
Here’s the body of the email. Warning – foul language:
Please do not pollute DNC [Dinar Chronicles] with more of your f-ing garbage channellings cause we don’t want it. “Message for Arch Angel Michael.” STICK IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!
With all due respect, we ground troops have been led from just exchanging foreign currency into a long string of life changes.
I say troops because you say we are not showing enough love and helpfulness to those who need it. I submit we ALL are just as financially strapped as those who you wish us to help.
“Troops” without one single “bullet” ($) to our name are asked “Why are you not showing enough enthusiasm for helping your fellow man?” We have nothing to help them with and worse nothing to help ourselves with FIRST!
Give us the money and step back. We’ll take it from here!!!
All this said with all due respect and love, from the poorest folks
Can I go over part of the email please, for the purposes of illustration of what kinds of things might keep us from vibrating within an acceptable range for the safe and successful release of the Reval?
I’m grateful for it being sent in, to allow for this discussion.
I hear that the communication comes from the “poorest folks” and I appreciate the hardship of the journey.
Nonetheless, let me list some of what I consider the email contains or indicates that doesn’t work.
“Please do not pollute DNC [Dinar Chronicles] with more of your f-ing garbage chanellings cause we don’t want it.”
Polarized and polemical language. Suggesting he speaks for readers. Disrespect (“f-ing garbage chanellings”) for a type of literature (credible channeled messages) that I regard as sacred and wise. Little caring for what I might consider sacred.
“‘Message for Arch Angel Michael.’ STICK IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!”
Extreme disrespect. Violent and offensive language. No personal responsibility for his communication. What will he be like when armed with immense wealth?
“With all due respect”
Inauthenticity. There’s no respect or love shown here, as he later claims.
Does he expect his reader to be open to hearing what comes next after what he’s just said? I struggle at this point, but, as a lightworker, I continue to listen.
“We ground troops have been led from just exchanging foreign currency into a long string of life changes.”
I can see how it could look that way. I thought of it that way too not too long ago – not after what Michael said, however. I no longer do.
“I say troops because you say we are not showing enough love and helpfulness to those who need it.”
I’m not aware of having said that. What I thought I said was that the Reval is a matter of vibration and it seems we haven’t reached the level yet where the Reval, if released, would be safe or successful. It’s the Company of Heaven’s call and they don’t regard us as ready.
But showing more love and helpfulness – to the extent we’re capable – would be an obvious way of raising our vibrations under any circumstances.
I skip ahead to shorten things up:
“Give us the money and step back. We’ll take it from here!!!”
Where would you take it, sir?
Might you not be better served by first eliminating the vasanas that have you show up, in my eyes at least, as disrespectful and inauthentic, offensive and potentially violent?
(Perhaps keep in mind that it’s my opinion that the release of trillions of dollars to us will only magnify our existing vasanas or core issues. The suppression button will come off and we’ll be surprised at what may come to the surface.)
How will giving trillions of dollars to you serve the Divine Mother’s Plan for Ascension and building Nova Earth?
I suggest that your email shows me (and perhaps us and perhaps even yourself) some of the very things that Archangel Michael is pointing at.
Michael’s request is not unknown in spiritual literature.
Cleansing, purification, or completion is a part of most paths that I’m aware of. Christians and Hindus call it “purification.” Buddhists call it “dharma” and “sila.” The entire Tao Teh Ching is about it.
The whole work of spirituality, viewed from our end, could be said to be purification. Eliminating or letting go of that which we haven’t forgiven is probably the most important practice in enlightenment disciplines.
Letting go of our hold on a 3D world is necessary to walk into a 5D world: One can’t cling to the old and progress to the new. So the subject of purification or completion is well known in spiritual literature.
It has to be done by the individual – up to a point – and then as Bernadette Roberts pointed out, the Divine steps in and takes over. (1)
In our case we’re being put in charge of a tremendously important and challenging line of service as lightworkers walking the path of karma yoga or service. We’ll be managing immense sums of money for the Divine Mother, the bulk of which is destined for other people.
What would it take to have us get started on cleansing ourselves of our issues, in earnest, in preparation for this very-adult assignment? (2) Assuming that we have not already done so, of course.
This work will require balance and compassion from us. Have we cleansed ourselves of our issues enough that balance and compassion are achievable for us? (Only we can say.)
Yes, our purification process will be aided by the Divine Mother’s energy waves. But, as far as I’m aware, arising out of us being free-will and personally-responsible individuals, there’s always a part of it that we have to do ourselves.
I’m not a perfect soul. I’m very imperfect. But I have a sense of what needs to be done.
From that sense, I say: If we’re to have a safe and successful Reval, we financial wayshowers need to start in completing our old business and opening to the sacred and important nature of the work that lies ahead of us.
As stewards and financial wayshowers, the demand is on us to show integrity and reliability, day after day.
We need to reach not only a level of vibration but – more specifically, in my opinion – a level of moral decency and ethical reliability, not usually shown in our existing societies and systems, that ensures the chances of the Reval working its desired effect.
That desired effect is to redistribute the planet’s wealth fairly and justly and build a world that works for everyone, not just a few.
Are we capable of it? Of course we are. Are we there yet? Apparently, not quite.
Accepting this and starting in on “truing up” would be one way, I think, to raise our vibration.
If what I say irritates you, don’t start an argument with me. I call that “projecting our issues.” That lowers the vibration.
Look for a vasana. Even that very act of personal responsibility probably raises the vibration.
In my view, this is the way we need to start thinking as a family of lightworkers, if we want to speed up the arrival of the Reval. What genuinely (and not falsely) raises the vibration?
In my books, cleansing ourselves of our old issues, vasanas, or false grids is the way to bring abundance to Earth and to ascend. And we need to actually do it, live it, practice it.
(1) “At a certain point, when we have done all we can [to bring about an abiding union with the divine], the divine steps in and takes over.” (Bernadette Roberts, “The Path to No-Self” in Stephan Bodian, ed. Timeless Visions, Healing Voices. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991, 131.)
(2) When you suspect a vasana or core issue has been triggered , use the Upset Clearing Process to clear it:
See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/
Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Vasanas-R5.pdf