What gives lightworkers as a movement focus is service to the Divine Mother in the matter of the planetary consciousness shift generally called “Ascension.”
What is this shift?
It’s one that will leave all individuals in a state that enlightened sages call moksha, mukti, or liberation from physical birth and death.
Liberation is a synonym for Ascension.
Individuals must have agreed to ascend and must have the necessary light quotient in their being that would allow them to exist in a more refined environment.
Life lived prematurely in a higher-vibrating realm would feel intolerable to them, as afterlife communicator T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) reports of the Astral Plane (or Fourth Dimension of the afterlife):
“Each group makes its own conditions and these are for the time being the only conditions in which its members can exist in comfort.
“Whatever our natural plane may be, to go down from it causes acute discomfort and even suffering; to go up before one is ready means an air too rarified and light too intense to be borne.
“So each must go to his own place and stay there until development draws him up into a higher sphere.” (1)
On this side of the veil, Sri Ramana Maharshi called the stage of enlightenment that is meant by Ascension, “Sahaja Samadhi.”
“The Sahaja Nirvikalpa [Samadhi] is permanent and in it lies liberation from rebirths.” (2)
Is this the end of the movie, the final reel?
Not by any stretch of the imagination.
Even something as revolutionary to our being as Ascension, it turns out, is still just one among many stages of enlightenment.
Franklin Merrell Wolff, who achieved remarkable levels of enlightenment, once confided:
“A certain Sage…, speaking of unfolded Consciousness above the level of the highest human Adepts, said:
“‘We attain glimpses of Consciousness so Transcendent, rising level upon level, that the senses fairly reel before the awe-inspiring Grandeur.’
“Here, certainly, is space for evolution far beyond the highest possibility of man as man.” (3)
“Truly, within the Infinite there are Mysteries within Mysteries, Deeps beyond Deeps, Grandeurs beyond Grandeurs. … Mystery of Mysteries, reaching inward and outward, but ever Beyond!
“And from that Beyond ever there come new whisperings of other imponderable Glories. Ah! How little is this world at the beginning of the Trail, barely a point in a Space of unlimited dimensions!” (4)
On that long and blissful journey to “Deeps beyond Deeps,” we’re about to take what may be the one of the most significant steps – from the straitened circumstances of the dualistic, unbalanced Third/Fourth Dimension to abundant circumstances (abundant in love and joy) of the unitive, blissful Fifth.
Our vibrations will rise in refinement in much the same way as going up an elevator. We’ll find ourselves on another floor of the building.
Jesus called Ascension “eternal life.” Buddha called it escaping the wheel of life and death.
Both of them had to shed the body to ascend. But not us. We ascend with our bodies, which is the predominant reason, I think, why Ascension has to be for the most part gradual.
Serving the Ascension of Gaia and her inhabitants is the common thread among lightworkers. Beyond that, some are building Nova Earth. Others are working with the collective grids and consciousness. Some are transmuting energy. Others are ensuring world peace. And so on the specialized tasks go.
But all is in preparation for and leads to the grand finale of Ascension.
(1) T.E. Lawrence through Jane Sherwood, medium, Post-Mortem Journal. Communications from T.E. Lawrence. London: Spearman, 1964, 58-9.
Afterlife communicator Mike Swain agrees: “The worlds above us are even richer in light and happiness. If I go up there (and I can) I find it too bright; the light hurts my eyes. And the vibrations are so refined that I can’t respond to them!
“So I reverse gear and return to this world – which suits me just fine!
“The planes below this one are denser, dimmer planes. If I go down to them, it becomes murkier and murkier until it is so creepy that I scoot back to where I belong!” (Mike Swain in Jasper Swain, From My World to Yours: A Young Man’s Account of the Afterlife. New York: Walker, 1977, 24.)
(2) Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 88.
(3) Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973, 17. I think of “man beyond man” today as humanity beyond the Twelve Dimensions.
(4) Ibid., 115.