A message from the Magdalena encouraging us to eliminate the illusion of separation from the planet and thus the universe and multi-verse. ©2018 Council of Love, Inc. httpss://www.counciloflove.com
Saturday Conference Call, November 17, 2018
Greetings, I AM the Magdalena, I AM Mary. And welcome my beloved brothers and sisters, sweet angels of light, sweet beings of love, of every ray of the rainbow and far beyond. I am pleased to conjoin with you this day and to conjoin with you in the strength and the beauty and the wisdom of this beautiful pink ray.
We do not need to borrow from the blue, or the ruby, or the gold, or the violet, because we dance with them, we love them. We bring our presence to all rays, all pathways, all journeys, all light, all love because there is no separation, there never has been and there never will be…not between realms, or dimensions, or realities, or planets, or societies, or galaxies, or universes. It is simply an illusion. And it is an illusion, yes, borne of ego, but more deep than that.
In some ways, this illusion of separation is borne of the yearning to be seen and to be loved. And, does this illusion of separation defeat its very purpose? It most certainly does. But it is important to understand the origin, and the healing, the removal, the disintegration, the dissolving, of this strange paradigm.
In the yearning to be loved, as unique, as special, in recognition of your beauty, your might, and your service to the Mother, you have created this sense of individuation. And this has been extraordinarily useful, particularly as you inhabit a physical form, a beautiful, radiant physical form that you have designed, that you have had the luxury of designing in tandem with your guides, your guardians, and the Mother Herself. And it is a thing of beauty, it is a creation of magnificence that is to be honored and admired and cherished.
But like children, so often you have said, “Mother, do you see me? Mother, do you see me? Look at me…I can walk, I can ride, I can travel, I can talk, I can pray, I can create. Look at me. Look at me.” And that has grown into this sense of separation. So often, the illusion of separation is literally blamed on ego gone awry. But I encourage you and I bring you this day, to dig deeper, that it is truly borne of a yearning to be loved.
And yet, in this illusion, this growth of uniqueness of separation has come the desire for reunification. That is why we are bringing the mighty legion of pink to dance with you this day, for they have achieved this unified field of knowing, of uniqueness, and complete connectedness long ago.
Each being, each energy field, a terrifying vision of beauty, of power, of gentleness, of sweetness. This is where we bring you back to! You are unique. You do not need, you have never needed, to create a sense of importance. You have never needed to perform in order to be identified, loved, cherished, and admired. It has always been…not even a birthright…simply the truth of who you are.
As you acknowledge, as you have said, that there is no separation between the kingdoms, between the devas, the fairies, the sprites, the rocks, the mountains, the dogs, the giraffes, the whales, and each other as hybrids, and humans, and everything in-between. Because what are you? You are the pink radiance of love. You are the unique, beautiful expression of love…yes, carrying the essence and the energy, the DNA, of the Mother/Father/One. But also your DNA, your essence, your beauty.
When you acknowledge and when you embrace the essence and the beauty of every being you encounter, electronically, etherically, in person, on ship, or far beyond, then you are eliminating, you are transmuting, transforming and erasing this illusion of separation.
You are not erasing the beauty of your sacred self. There has never been, in or out of form, a desire to erase any being…their thumbprint, their spirit print, their essence. The flame of you is eternal…it will not and it cannot, it shall not be extinguished.
So, go back and simply eliminate this illusion of separation. Acknowledge that this illusion grew out of the yearning to be seen, and cherished, and loved. And as you do that, my family, know how deeply I love you and that I am with you every step of the way.
We are counting on you, literally, to erase this illusion upon planet, and thereby erasing it throughout the multiverse. You are powerful and you do this erasure with gentleness, compassion, and love, by the acknowledgment of beauty.
Go with my love and go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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