I handed over my worries to the Divine Mother recently but I didn’t hand over my fears.
What’s the difference between the two?
For me the difference lies in the way they feel and what they bring up in me. Worry simply feels annoying. It isn’t present and so it doesn’t bring up a sense of urgency.
Fear feels cold and immediate. It brings up in me the thought that I’m in imminent danger and need to move now.
I haven’t given my fear up to the Mother.
I’m not talking about some vague goddess in the sky. I’m talking about the Divine Mother, creator, preserver, and transformer of the universe, whom, in my view, I spoke to through Linda on Oct. 26. She addressed me in a way she’d know I’d appreciate:
“Greetings. I am Maré.”
Mary, Mother of Jesus, yes, for sure. But the hidden meaning is Maré, the Ocean, the Ocean of Love, which I knew her as in March 2015. (1) Her use of the name showed me she knows that I know her as that. That was very comforting for me, confirmation all around.
This was very real for me, whatever anyone else may think about it.
And keep in mind as well that I asked her whether service to my master was regarded as service whether or not my master proved worthy or unworthy. And she said yes, the service would be known and accepted. It’s not time wasted.
So even if I did not speak to the Divine Mother on Skype Oct. 26, I still did. In my view the real Mother would and did accept my service. That’s the end of the false-guru issue that has plagued me since … oh, who was the first? No, I won’t name names.
I surrendered my worry to her in that call.
Steve: I worry that, if I give money to every person I see who is in trouble, I will run out of money. …
DM: You have missed the key ingredient here, sweet one, and that is worry. This is at least a two-headed hydra because, on the one hand, there is the worry that you will be without. On the other hand, there is also this, not misplaced but out-of-balance, shall we say, sensation that you are responsible for taking care of friends, family, and all of society. …
She reassures me, which I’ll post elsewhere.
Divine Mother: I beg you, Sweet One, give your worry to me.
Steve: Okay, Mother. (2)
At that moment, I surrendered all worry to her. Knowing I was speaking to the Fount of existence, I simply melted. All the reassurance she gave me made it doubly easy to surrender.
What would it take to surrender fear as well, now that I have to do the work myself rather than dealing with her personally? It’s not as easy to do it on my own.
For it to have the same sticking power, I’d have to get the decision up from being merely intellectual, merely experiential, to fully realized.
“I surrender all fear.” What comes up for me when I look at that? Let me look. I face into fear….
And I’m surprised to have yet another experience of the solely-subjective nature of an emotion these days. When I looked into it, the fear disappeared. This is the fourth or fifth time this has happened. Fear has no other existence than in my mind. I cannot get it to replicate in my body. It exists only in my thoughts.
When I opened myself to fully feeling fear, nothing happened at all. My body did not feel afraid. I had no fearful images arise. There was no feedback from the outer world, which includes my body. There was nothing in the file folder marked “Fear.”
Now please consider this. Before, if I wanted to eliminate a strong emotion like fear from me, I had to “work”: I’d have to get the decision up from being merely intellectual, to being experiential, and finally to being fully realized for it to lift permanently.
I’d have to use the upset clearing process or another avenue to causing the unwanted feeling to lift. (3)
Now I don’t need to work. Nowadays, fear lives nowhere else than in my thoughts.
The universe seems to be feeding back to me that something I don’t understand very well has changed and has banished fear from me as existing anywhere else than in my mind.
It shows me how a more refined density makes it easier to move out of circumstances that I’d have had to “work on” to escape from in a lower dimension.
In previous years, I could have summoned up many fearful thoughts and images. I can still rustle up one or two if I work hard. But the response is only mildly curious rather than fearful.
This is another piece of evidence that the old Third Dimension, as the Company of Heaven calls it, does not exist any more. We just think it does.
Oh my, that was unexpected.
It begs the question of what the full picture looks like in this realm that I keep glimpsing in spiritual experiences. What am I looking at? What’s the whole truth here?
Is it possible that the situation I just went through bears out what Matthew Ward once said?
“Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise, the majority of the populace still is within third density awareness-wise.” (4)
Are we in the Fourth Dimension believing Third-Dimensional things and feelings are still real. Do we create for ourselves a world that conforms to our beliefs while the Fourth Dimension goes unnoticed?
If I’m in a higher dimension already – Fourth or Fifth or otherwise – why am I not feeling it fully? (5)
Why is this not being talked about more generally? Or is it?
What do I need to do to “emerge”?
(1) See “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/14/submerged-in-love/; “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/04/29/activating-the-wellspring-of-love-part-1-2/; and “Activating the Wellspring – Part 2/2” March 15, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/04/30/activating-the-wellspring-of-love-part-2-2/
(2) The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
(3) See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process/
(4) Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(5) Is my whole life truncated?