I’d like to accompany Kathleen’s story of “the Jewish nurse” with two extracts on resentment and forgiveness, by Jesus and Saul.
I’m studying the subject to write a series of articles on it.
Refusing to forgive, holding on to resentment and a desire for restitution, drains your individual energy fields, builds a fortress of defenses around you through which your essential needs are unable to approach you, because you are closing yourselves off from Love, the Source of life…
Love offers you infinite abundance, but you have to allow It to suffuse and possess you by releasing from yourselves anything that is not in alignment with It. You can do this because deep within yourselves you do know that resentment and a desire to see others punished for the pain and suffering you believe that they have caused you only intensifies your own suffering. Listen to your hearts, they will guide you Home!
Love never condemns or punishes, It cannot because to do so is totally alien to It’s nature, God’s Nature! You are, each and every sentient being, an aspect of God, and so those drives to judge, condemn, or punish are in truth utterly alien to you. When you cling to them peace and happiness desert you, because, as you engage with and encourage fear and hate into your lives to pursue those unloving ends, you drive out Love.
While pursuing those ends, you have to maintain your focus on how wrong those who have hurt you are, and how much they need to be punished for you to find peace. But, even if your desires for restitution are delivered, you do not find peace because you are still left with endless resentment for what you see and experience in the present as suffering unjustly and unfairly inflicted upon you in the past.
To focus on memories of suffering that you have undergone prevents you from enjoying the present moment, the only moment that exists, and just prolongs your suffering. Let them go and enjoy the peace and relief from stress that doing so provides. (Jesus via John Smallman, August 13, 2014, at a https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com..)
The age old diseases of fear, anger, hate, and resentment are rapidly being eradicated as the older ones among you, infected with these diseases, gain some wisdom and recognize the futility of holding on to old and worn out grudges, while the younger ones among you, who incarnated understanding this, compassionately encourage their elders to release their unhealthy focus on memories of pain and suffering that serve no purpose other than to cause further suffering. Pain happens in the now moment, whereas suffering is caused by clinging to memories of ancient pains. Let go of those sad memories that distract you from living, they are but a death wish, and, as a direct result, end your suffering.
That perhaps sounds too easy, and yet it is undeniably true. Almost daily stories surface about people who have been hurt and abused who forgive those who have hurt them because they have understood the immense healing power of forgiveness. And by forgiving they not only heal themselves, but also those whom they have forgiven. Forgiveness is a tool of incredible power, embrace it, use it, and discover and enjoy for yourselves the wonderful sense of peace it brings.
Forgiveness is the path to awakening. It is not helpful to see some crimes as unforgivable because to do so closes your hearts to field of Love that envelops you eternally, limiting your abilities to be carefree. While you close your hearts to Love you will not find any happiness because happiness is carefree, joyful, limitless, and inspiring. When you are happy you can do much more because you have boundless energy and enthusiasm for life, and that happiness, which is firmly established within you, uplifts and encourages those with whom you interact. You have all experienced the joy of watching small children bubbling over with happiness and have then been delightedly unable to suppress your own resultant good spirits. Learn from them then, embrace the moment, and have fun. (Saul, Aug. 10, 2014, at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.)