Video and Transcript: Jesus Sananda – I Offer You My Heart
Saturday Conference Call, October 6, 2018
Jesus Sananda asks us to see ourselves as co-creators of Nova Earth and accept the gift of his essence, the Ruby Heart.
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. Yes, there has been quite a contest this day to see which one of us would be blessed, honored, thrilled to speak to you. To speak to you, beloved family of my heart.
Years ago, when last we met in Sedona, I have given you the gift of my Ruby Heart, the gift of my essence. Not merely of my knowing or compassion, but the truth of who I am, the totality of what I have to offer. That is what I wish to share with you. That is what I always wish to share with you whether it was two thousand, eight thousand, fifty thousand years ago or right now.
I have never said, I will give you this little bit. I will give you an ounce of love. I will give you ten ounces or a cup of compassion. I will share this tiny thread of what I know.
No, I have always and continue to offer you who I am. Not a savior or master or ascended one, but as brother, as friend, as fellow journeyer, as one who has walked the Earth, the path and who understands what it is to cry bitter tears of sorrow and grief and loss. And what it is to shed tears of joy and amazement and awe. And what it is to shed tears of thanksgiving, to be overwhelmed and in such a depth and height of gratitude that the tears simply stream.
I offer you my heart, my heart of ruby to vitalize you. Yes my beloveds, to give you the energy to continue on, to rejuvenate you. This is not some myth that has been perpetuated by well-wishers. It is your natural state. It is your inherited birthright, it is the DNA of what it means to be human.
Yes, to be filled with that vim and vigor and vitality that the channeler is so fond of. To be able to run and jump. But not to run and jump away. To run and jump for joy out of sheer glee, out of amazement, out of the profound knowing of the faith the confidence and the knowing that our Mother has placed in you.
Knowing that no matter what through trials and tribulations and victory that your heart is true. That is true as the flawless ruby I give you this day to plant in your heart to remind you – not of me, but of you – of the truth, of the magnificence and the might of who you are – bright angels of change, builders of Nova Earth, our co-creators
So yes, we are all in attendance this day to celebrate the victory of you, the wonder, the splendor of you. And simply to remind you on this day and every day of how deeply, profoundly you are loved.
Take my gift and remember to love yourself the way you love us and the way that we love you. Go in Love, farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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