The New You & Nova Being: Could This Be You?
Who is this New You? How does this relate to the long sought-after Nova Being? My friends, the good news is that once you firmly step into the reality of the New You, they are one and the same! Let’s look at the massive changes that have made this possible.
Our understanding of the universe and our place in it has changed dramatically over the past couple of years. Lightworkers have now anchored the concept that we are multi/inter-dimensional beings consciously creating with the Divine. We collectively and individually have a much greater understanding and enthusiasm for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, and our plan within that context. But understanding and applying the concepts of what it means to be a Nova Being in both the small and broad-brush strokes is far more challenging, and even confusing at times.
The New Now
We know the rules of engagement on Gaia have changed but we’re not always certain about the impact of those changes. We’re not always in that place of certitude about how to proceed. We don’t always comprehend what it is to live inter-dimensionally; how to go about living in the fluidity of that spectrum without becoming and feeling like a space cadet.
The New You work is about expanding your conscious, physical, heart awareness to the point that you are the embodiment of those higher dimensional realms. The New You is about embracing the process being given to you by the Council of Love, and stepping into action. As pioneers and pathfinders, it’s not just finding the path, it’s weaving all pieces of that new path into a higher level of consciousness to be held by the collective population. The New You individual is the lightworker taking the quantum leap into that new now.
The question is one of balance. How do you anchor this new reality of your physical spiritual journey? How do you anchor that new normal into your very core, not as an esoteric exercise but into your everyday walking, talking, awakened self?
The New You Process: Three Phases
There are three phases to the New You process, all of them gentle, supportive and progressive. The Council’s goal is not to knock you over with info and energies but rather gracefully engage you in your forward thrust.
Phase 1: For the first time in years, you will begin the New You journey with the full initiation into the 13th Octave – temple, white clothes, sacred ceremony and all. You do this so you are firmly anchored in the heart of One right from the very start of your journey together. Divine Union is not something you’re striving for but rather it’s something you are deeply rooted in. From that place in the Mother’s Heart, you will have the fuel and velocity for your forward thrust through ascension.
The fuel: Love.
The power: Heart.
Powered by heart; fueled by love.
From your place in the 13th Octave, Phase 2 begins. This phase is allowing and accepting that the shift has and is occurring within. This deepens your commitment to the journey.
Phase 3 is one of action where you fully assume your New You and you begin to consciously and cooperatively create Nova Earth.
Your New Normal
You anchor all these New You energies by embracing the process through meditation, reading, practice and surrender. Your new normal is being in your totality by heart-listening, heart-speaking and heart-sharing. This prepares you to move into action, consciously working with those parts of your Nova Being that you have now come to more deeply understand and embrace.
This sacred inter-active process is not simply about receiving the mind-blowing information, the energy attunements and the activations. Nor is it just the coming together as one circle of heart. It is all of that, plus grounding this energy of the phenomenally expanded sense of self into your consciousness and your very bones.
The Council accomplishes this through channeling the energies of the New You directly into your heart, an add-on, add-on process that results in an internal and external implosion/explosion. Your part is to surrender and receive. No struggle necessary.
The outcome: Change blossoms, awakening blossoms, the cobwebs of confusion disintegrate, and the support and wisdom of the Mothers’ above-and-below flow directly into you.
The New You is Available Now
Sanat Kumara, planetary logos, has summed up the invitation to come and take the New You course in this way: “the purpose of this energy increase and frequency increase, vibrational increase — however you conceive of it — is not for you to be out of body, but to be able to manage, to hold and to integrate this into your body, so that your level of heart consciousness, of full awareness, is growing.”
The New You Live webinar series with Linda Dillon begins Oct. 20 – and I want to invite, encourage and cajole you into joining us for this incredible expansion. My friends, there is so much new to the New You – creation, gridding, Universal Law… The New You is a life-altering experience. You will welcome Your Stranger; anchor your Inter-Dimensional Self; clear false grids, and begin the creation journey in accordance with the Universal Laws.
I really hope you join us. I really hope that you choose to bring the magic and wonder of who you are to share with us in the collective undertaking of re-patterning humanity.
Spread your wings. You will be, in reality, re-weaving the path to our future.
Quick important note: If you have not joined us for the New You Class within the past two years, the difference in content and technique is significant. I’ll save your seat.