We don’t need to be divided over anything.
Not about whether a blog site like this one “should” cover politics or just stick to Human spiritual evolution. Not about whether Donald Trump is doing good work or he’s a privileged white male. Can both things be true?
Can we maintain our Love for Humanity and for Gaia, keeping our focus on making this world a better place while at the same time having an opinion about the global political unfolding? Can a privileged white male also have the highest good of all concerned in his heart?
I wonder why it is that we make up our minds about things when we couldn’t possibly have all the information needed to really know. Indeed, it’s a higher perspective to grok that we truly are creating our experience as we go. The saying, “You are what you eat” is true in more than simply a visceral way. What we focus on matters. When we see the worst in a situation, that’s exactly what enters our experience.