I’ve been asked to repost this article from March of this year.
Folks, several people have written in asking if the allegations of two psychics saying the Reval is a deep, dark plot are true.
No, they are not – if you believe what the Company of Heaven has told us.
Here’s Archangel Michael on the subject. He reminds us, firstly, that the Reval is not simply the local event that goes by that name but part of a global restructuring of systems.
“Understand, they are all united so when we speak of the Revaluation, we are speaking of a continuum of which this aspect of the Reval is one. … It is tied into the restructuring of systems.” (1)
Secondly, in my case anyways, Michael revealed that there was great joy in heaven, so to speak, when I bought my first dinars. He would not do this if the CoH was not behind the Reval.
Steve Beckow: You have probably been watching what I’ve been doing with Dinars. I’ve gone way out on a limb.
Archangel Michael: We have been watching and observing and actually – if you can think of it – laughing at what you are doing because you are proceeding on trust. …
And this makes many of us on this side filled with joy. (2)
So not: No! Don’t do that! It’s a deep, dark plot, but: Good for you.
Thirdly, he acknowledged planting the idea in many minds – probably including mine.
“There are some of you that have heard our whisper to go and buy dinar or dong, etc. … We are always planting these ideas.” (3)
The idea to purchase currency then probably came from him.
May I switch now and give my sense of what the Reval is about. My sense is that terrestrials in the form of lightworker currency holders are being given the opportunity before NESARA/GESARA for something special.
We’re being given the chance to do as much good with a river of prosperity as possible before the tsunami of abundance (NESARA) kicks in.
We’re up to bat first and then the global program of abundance kicks in, the galactics disclose themselves and bring new technologies, etc., etc.
When the history of this Ascension is written, there will be terrestrials “leading the way,” reforming their society, building Nova Earth with tremendous drive and gusto. The brunt of the effort however will probably be borne by the galactics, without whose help little that’s happening would be possible. (4)
Fourthly, the celestials are watching how we do with dispersing funds to humanitarian and philanthropic causes. Those who do well will be given wider responsibilities.
Here Michael confirms it:
Steve Beckow: Now I have been saying to readers that the Company of Heaven is watching financial wayshowers and stewards…
Archangel Michael: That is correct.
Steve:… And that those who do well – in other words, do the job of hydrating society – will find themselves supported to go forward.
AAM: That is correct. (5)
Finally, he brings to our attention to the fact that the Company of Heaven will not let the Plan behind the Reval go awry.
Archangel Michael: Not that we will allow you to go wrong – let us be very clear. This plan has been an unfoldment for far too long for money to simply be washed down the drain by decisions that are not beneficial either for yourself or for others and for those who will benefit from the abundance programs, plural. (6)
Oversight will be in place.
“Abundance programs, plural” – don’t overlook that breadcrumb.
This will not be the only wave of abundance. There will be a few of them.
To fund people, the Company of Heaven will use numerous sources – not only the Reval but also repeated Prosperity Packages, Historical Assets (the old Illuminati “Trading Platforms”), sequestered funds from Illuminati/human-rights abusers, the Wanta Funds, even off-planet gold, I’m led to believe.
I think they want as much money as possible to get out there so that everything that money can change will change. And we’ll find out what can change and what can’t. And what role love plays in it all.
And in the process the wave of compassion that’s generated will lift everyone up, vibrationally. In that way we’re also assisting Gaia to free herself from the Third-Dimensional negativity our lot generated in two world wars and numerous genocides.
So when Michael says the Reval is part of a total restructuring, I think he means that socially, economically, and governmentally, but also intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. He means it for the collective, but also for the individual.
It’s one part of the dam of abundance that’s close to bursting. And all of this will go on against a background of uplifted vibrations that will see us relate to each other in higher-dimensional love, joy, and bliss.
I know that because I’ve been there. I know it’s possible. (7)
So, no, I don’t believe the psychics who are saying the Reval is part of a deep, dark plot. You can read them if you want, but you won’t come away feeling good. Remember what Michael said was the litmus test?
Archangel Michael: [The] litmus test [is] that if it does not read, hear, taste, smell like love or truth then it is not; discard it. (8)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
(2) Ibid., July 16, 2013.
(3) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 1/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-the-global-reset-of-values-part-12/.
(4) Just simply judging by the number of nuclear missiles in flight that the galactics have intercepted, any one of which could have started a nuclear World War III, is enough to prove the galactics’ contribution. If you need a second: The removal of depleted uranium – a planet killer – from the atmosphere.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., July 1, 2016.
(6) Ibid., Aug. 6, 2013.
(7) I spent almost all of 2015, off and on, in higher-dimensional love and bliss.
(8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, Jan. 18, 2018.