Saturday Conference Call, September 15, 2018
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Join us as we settle into a relaxing pink meditation of love, and remember that we came here to fulfill our heart’s deepest desires, as well as to implement the Mother’s Plan.
So, let’s begin, let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of the softest, sweetest, gentlest pink; the pink of a sweetheart rose, of a baby’s cheeks, of a gentle, soft sunset or sunrise. Breathe pink and feel that gentleness, feel that gentle pink. And sink into your heart, relax your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your hips, your knees, your feet. Sink into the chair, or the bed, or wherever you are and just let go…let go and receive, because this is your time…this is your time.
So, bring that pink into your heart, into your heart chakra, into your physical heart, into the seat of your soul. And let’s sparkle it up and feel your Pink Diamond self. You are an amazing being. We came here together as one huge circle to implement the Mother’s Plan and to really implement and to live the fulfillment of your deepest heart’s desires.
So, take a minute, go a little deeper into the pink, into the base of your Pink Flame, and just feel one thing, one thing that your heart has been yearning for. And it isn’t for somebody else, it isn’t for world peace, think of something that’s just for you, for your sweet, sacred self. And maybe it’s health, or abundance, or relationship, or peace, whatever it is…and don’t make it about a lack.
So, for example, don’t feel that your desire is ‘I don’t want to feel depressed or overwhelmed’. Turn it around, make it ‘I want to feel fabulous, empowered, on top of the world, in full forward thrust of who I am…look out world!’ Really feel it. This is for you…into the pink, into the Pink Diamond, and hold this desire.
Now, feel the Blue Diamond of the Mother, or the Blue Flame of the Mother, come and wrap around, enhancing and supporting and celebrating that heart’s desire. Sparkle it up, not overpowering you but close enough for you to feel that nurturing and love of the Mother.
Now, let’s do the same with the Gold Diamond of the Father and feel it spiral around your Pink Flame, your Pink Diamond self and your heart’s desire…filling it and supporting it with greater wisdom, how-to, reliability. And continue to breathe pink.
Just for a moment, let yourself feel the fullness of what this level of support means…how does it feel?…and anchor it more deeply. Deeper, as we hold it for that elusive 17 seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and relax. Now, let it go. Let that heart’s desire take wings and either you’re dropping it out of your solar plexus or you’re breathing it out, but let it go find the “how-to” to bring you what you want, what you deserve, what you’ve been waiting for. And give thanks.
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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