Dear Ones,
We are speaking today of merging. Merging means to be fully immersed in the Light of the Universal Presence, aligned with your most essential self, embracing and welcoming the Creative Force into your Earthly body. This process leads to Wholeness and a full integration as you become a Divine Human active in the world.
There are aspects of this merging process that are being reflected upon your Earth now. You are seeing conflagration of vast tracts of forest land. These massive fires are larger than have ever been seen by humankind. But what is also going on in this process is not just the scorching of the Earth and the devastation of life and property, there are clear analogies available between the transformative process you are experiencing, and the ancient process of Balance within Nature.
For eons, the environment has depended upon the wild fires to clear away the old and non-essential within the forest freeing the natural life forms to thrive in their habitats. We liken this to your relinquishment of old thoughts and attitudes, which can be seen as the invasive species of mass consciousness.
Just as the heat of the fire is the catalyst necessary for seeds to be released to create new life in the forest, the heat of your transformation is raising your frequencies enabling you to expand your awareness, and let go of all that no longer serves you. In order to grow into the crystalline form of your light body, the fires of transformation clear away the extraneous releasing the old patterns that are not evolving in order for new forms to birth within you.
The trees have been teaching you for many years now with their clear demonstrations of alignment and photosynthesis. You are using Light as food and nourishment for the creation of your subtle light bodies. The nourishment the tree roots are receiving is naturally raised up the ascending currents within the trunk. In the same way the ascending currents within the spiritual core of your being are raising your spiritual energy from the base of your spine and also bringing the feminine nourishment from within the Earth up into your heart.
The tree attracts and feeds upon the sun light, absorbing Light into its needles or leaves and bringing that powerful energy into the the full body of the tree with the natural descending current. The ancient yogis have spoken of this natural current as your connection to the Light of Infinite Intelligence that descends through your energy system so you can integrate divinity into your human form.
Trees become the ultimate demonstration of the alignment and merging of Heaven and Earth through a living being. You have been diligently integrating your Universal Selves and your earthly human selves. Through this you are activating the crystalline body that will allow you to use the new frequencies as a transformative tool within your lives.
Through all of this activity, you are setting into motion the evolutionary process of fully manifesting as the Divine Human, one who is able to live from higher dimensional awareness while in physical form. You do not need to leave your body to ascend into higher consciousness.
As you go through the fires of evolutionary chaos, know you are a catalyst for the birthing of a new form of humanity, one that lives in harmony with Nature and is able to rise above the destruction so that new life abounds in full creative expression on the Earth and within your own life.
Allow yourself to be grateful that you are conscious of this blessing. You are transmuting the old to create the new. Hope is fulfilling this mission. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Hope