The Divine Mother is posing 5 questions to you about the fundamentals of your life. Five questions for you to ponder, consider and answer.
Your responses will be your clear answer to whether the Council of Love comprehensive Ascended Self MasterClass is for you…or not.
This is very simple. We are now ascending/ascended beings. Are you personally aware of that? And do you know what to do next?
If your answer is “I’m not sure” then please join the long line of us bringing ourselves into this new reality. You aren’t alone and you don’t have to make this fundamental shift all by yourself.
There is a MasterClass waiting for you if you see that you need it. The view of the Council of Love is that we all do.
Why? Not because we’re slow learners. The truth is that time is moving faster during this shift in consciousness. We have moved into the Mother’s New Time, within which there are new understandings of our lives. Each of us are being given strong hints as to our new marching orders, each of us…and all of us together. Our mission awaits.
The Ascended Self MasterClass is four beautifully advanced journeys that are cutting edge and far beyond anything you have seen before. Each course is a building block, a stepping stone to what lies ahead. The course titles may be familiar, but the content has become the Mother’s sequential forward-thrust class for Ascending/Ascended beings on planet at this very moment. These classes are built around where you are right now, as in standing on the launch pad! Are you ready for lift-off?
Here is the first of the 5 questions from the Mother for you to consider. There is no right or wrong answer. There is only your answer. And rest assured that your answer will be different now than when you finish this MasterClass.
Question #1: Are you living the life you choose?
Now walk around with that for a minute, get a cup of coffee, take your time, and be gentle with yourself. After all, we did sign up to come here and learn who we really are.
Let’s begin. The answer is in your heart, so listen closely. If you’re ready to join The Mother and Linda Dillon in this voyage into your future, here’s where you tell us.
Keep in mind that you will have four massively important areas of study and you will be mentored for a full year by Council of Love leader Linda Dillon. Not only will that turn out to be truly priceless, but this is likely the only time she will be able to offer her mentorship for an entire year. Imagine the growth in that one thing alone.
Join us now and get an early seat.
Or you’re welcome to wait for the Mother’s question number 2 in the coming days.