Pamela Kribbe
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene
I am Mary Magdalene. I greet you all from my heart; I am with you. I want you to know that there is continuous help and guidance around you. In the dimension that lies above the earthly are kindred spirits, souls who love you in a deeply personal way and not just in an abstract way. They are spirits who know you and with whom you have been together in other times and other places.
When you incarnate, it is a leap of faith because you do it alone. Nevertheless, you remain connected with a team of friends on the other side. Some of them are further advanced in their development and oversee your life path with a broader view than you can have; they are what you call your guides.
But there are also others, like-minded beings who are close to you, your family or friends. Feel their presence even though you do not know who they are, but know that you are seen and heard. There is respect for you for what is required to risk the plunge into the deep.
A life on Earth – every one of your lives on Earth – is an important and valuable contribution to your soul’s path, including the negative experiences. The pain you experience now, at this time, is like a stone that falls into water and causes many ripples on the surface.
The effect of a painful or traumatic experience creates ripples throughout time; you will again experience those ripples at other times and other places. As a result, you will come to fully understand that past experience and to value it, and when you do, you send back healing to that point of pain in your history.
All points in time – all now moments in the life and journey of your soul – are joined together and affect one another. Thus, when you travel through time to a past life (as we have just done), you activate other points in time, other moments.
You create a current that goes in both directions: from the past to the present and from the present to the past. And by doing this, you enrich yourself. You increasingly begin to understand that you are much more than this one person, male or female, young or old, at this particular time in history, in this now moment. The person that you are now is only one gateway to your soul; there are many other possible gateways.
Feel how your soul is immensely rich and how numerous are the experiences it has accumulated. These experiences are all pieces of a puzzle that are part of a great Whole. I ask you to have respect for the greatness of who you are; you can not even contain it with your human mind. Say “yes” to your soul from deep in your heart. Feel that there, in your heart, is a wisdom that your human mind can not fully comprehend, but which bears and supports everything you are and which gives meaning to each individual puzzle piece.
There is a time and a place for everything. You sometimes have to go through deep experiences without understanding why, and it is only later that you come to understand their value. I ask you to honor and respect yourself, because you have had the courage to plunge blindfolded into the deep. You said “yes” to life here on Earth – now say “yes” to yourself.
And also say “yes” to all the pain, the negative experiences, the fear and doubt in yourself – it is part of the human experience. Do not reject the negative experiences because doing that will cause a struggle against yourself that will scatter your energy and take you farther away from Home. Simply accept what is in you, including the fears and doubts.
I take you now to the beginning of your life. Go with me to your childhood, and imagine for a moment that your body becomes younger, becomes smaller. See what happens when it crosses the border of puberty and goes back even farther. Experience how gender is less important when you enter your childhood; when you are under ten years old.
You remember how it was: not so determined by what was impressed upon you as being male or female. Remember your innocence and go even farther back in time. So far back that you go beyond the boundary where you learned a language, concepts, labels, evaluations, and judgment.
If you go back all the way to your early childhood, your consciousness becomes more open, more receptive. It does not judge; it simply takes in impressions. Try to again feel that open awareness toward the world around you. It is as if you have come fresh from heaven, which means you are not so determined by the influences of the earthly dimension. You still retain a lot of the openness of your soul’s reach.
As you now go back from the present to that past, you can exert influence on that time, on who you were then. Imagine that you, in your current condition, bow down to that tiny baby that you were then. See what age comes to mind as an appropriate time. Feel especially the awareness that you had and your connection to the dimension of the soul. You were a bit of an outsider to life here on Earth; you still possessed the freshness and openness of a newcomer.
Go to this infant in your present form and see it with eyes of admiration. See the heavenly energies present in this child. Kneel down before this child that you were and ask: “What did you come here to do? What did you bring from the dimension beyond the Earth, something really essential to you?” Tell it: “I will help you with that; I come from the future to support and guide you with doing this.”
See if the child can see you and feel you. Or touch it gently and look into its eyes. And if you see and feel the true power and the original contribution of this child, then put a hand on its shoulder and tell it: “I will protect you, I will support you and make sure that you succeed in your goal.”
When you do this, feel your own power, your knowledge of earthly life, your experience built up through the many years of your past. Feel the wisdom of the present you and send that back to the young child that you were. And as you give your wisdom and life-experience to this child, you will also receive something in return from it. You will be given the originality, the spontaneity, the authentic and true in this child, which flows right into your heart. Feel in your heart again this energy that is right for you – it is your soul’s energy.
Then call upon the strength and wisdom which has accumulated within you, which you now have in this life. This becomes a shield of protection around your heart. The young child in you carries in it the wisdom of the dimension of the soul: the purity, the originality, the innocence, but also the vulnerability. It needs your earthly wisdom, your life experience, to be able to develop, to be able to allow its light to shine here.
I want to now tell you something about human history. About why it has become so difficult for your own soul’s energy to descend into your earthly life and to enter energetically into your abdomen – from the heart, the seat of the soul, down to your abdomen, the seat of your earthly self and personality.
In the history on Earth, there has been a taboo against individuality. Forces have been at work that have strongly manifested, especially in the major religions, and those forces are aimed at wiping out and suppressing individuality. There have been great currents of fear in the collective atmosphere on Earth, and so much of that fear is the result of the disparity between the powerful and powerless.
Those in power want to be obeyed by those beneath them. Therefore, they are very wary of individuality, of originality, of those who are different because they have a will of their own. Those in power do not support the free development of the individual. In short, the powerful against the powerless has been the history of humanity for many centuries.
This is perhaps a somewhat exaggerated image, but I use it to clarify something. Power has been exercised over people by way of particular views about the essence of what it is to be a human being; for example, that in their essence, humans are sinful, bad, inferior, unworthy.
These views dictate that is only through something outside the human person can it be saved from the sin and debt that is innate within it. And what can save humans is an authority who is higher than humans; for example, a God who prescribes certain rules.
And also that there are certain human representatives of that God who have special access to those rules: an elite who have a privileged knowledge of morality. That concept has been forced upon people and the reason they have allowed this to happen is because fear has first been planted in them. A real fear for survival: fear of hunger, death, disease, violence, which has made deep impressions in human history.
But now a new chapter is breaking in upon the Earth in which an opposite energy is being born. And it is not one in which individuality is denied, with its emphasis on adapting and conforming, but an energy in which individuality is rightly valued and thus also the original soul energy. The reason that life on Earth has become derailed in many ways – has become violent, both in the way people turn against one another and against nature – is that the connection to the soul has been lost, the heart was closed, and fear reigned.
Feel the weight of this history. Although its influence is waning, it still has an impact on the way people think and feel. To get in touch with your soul, and to really believe in your individual abilities and talents, is still not the obvious and usual thing to do. To stand behind yourself and to say “yes” to your original self calls for a deep inner strength.
You are the ones who are creating an opening that will again create access to the dimension of the soul. That means you also have become extremely sensitive: your heart is open and you have learned to descend into your emotions and your intuition instead of acting from the voices of fear and coercion in your head. You have created that opening from within, and not only in this life, but also in past lives.
You are a lightworker, a consciousness worker, and now the time has come for this light, this opening you have created – sometimes from necessity by a life of seclusion – to be sown so it can germinate on Earth among people throughout society.
Doing this calls up old fears in many of you: memories of when you were dominated by fear and abuse of power. In that sense, you are putting down the first steps on a new terrain, where they can now take root on Earth. When you stand up from your soul, and speak and act from that source, it can cause dust clouds of fear and doubt to swirl up within yourself, even mortal fear.
So then it becomes necessary to speak from the power of the abdomen, which is the true result of the descent of your soul’s energy. To speak not only from the energy which comes from your heart, but also from the energy which is in the core of your earthly being, in your physicality as a man or woman.
I want to explain a few things about that energy here. The energy in your abdomen, that primal energy – when it is in balance – is a very grounded energy. When you are completely present with your consciousness in your abdomen, you are then well grounded. You feel solid; you feel you can be who you are, so you feel safe, respected. From that foundation, you listen to the messages of your heart, of your soul, and you integrate those messages.
Now, it is often the case that you receive messages from your soul or your intuition, but you do not know how to remain well grounded. It is as if the access to your own abdomen has been denied you and this has a lot to do with a history in which you were not allowed to think and act for yourself, or to deviate from the norm and be different.
It is precisely here that the male energy, the masculine power, is required to break free from tradition, to say “no” to what is expected and to refuse to fit into a mold. Feeling free to act outside the rules, to explore and investigate, is where the male energy helps you to drop deeper into your abdomen. That is how the male energy springs into action to help your original soul light: “he” creates space for you.
The male energy is extremely important; feel that it serves you when it is a grounded male energy. Over the past, there has been a male energy that has exercised authority and coercion, and has implanted fear in people. It is a non-grounded male energy, an energy that is unconnected and feels displaced, and therefore wants to regulate and control life. But the true male energy is like a shield, a powerful protection for your heart’s energy. And when that protection is there, you can descend more deeply from your soul into your abdomen. You then feel borne by the Earth itself.
Feel the rhythm that suits your life path. Being truly intuitive has to do with sensing the rhythm of life. “What is good for me, what do I really need?” This is something that you can not feel only from your heart. It calls for an almost physical, instinctive alignment on the level of your abdomen: being grounded and from there making your decisions.
In conclusion, I ask you to imagine that the young child you saw in the beginning is now present in your abdomen with its spontaneous open energy, thereby making a direct connection to your heart and your soul. And at the same time feel a solid shield of protection around yourself.
Doing this creates space for the child so that it does not forget itself and become absorbed in stimuli and influences coming from outside itself: old ideas, morals, and how things used to be. The shield in you is the male energy that says “no” to these influences while it is also listening intently to your own source of wisdom.
Feel the deep protection of a grounded male energy in your back and tailbone, in your legs and feet, in your arms and hands. Now the child can become rooted in you and grow up protected so it can develop its own natural soul energy. Feel how it begins to come to life under this protection and begins to play inside your abdomen.
You are the torchbearers of the new time. Protect yourself so you can allow the light to flow and so you can sow its seeds. In this way, you bring your life’s goals to fruition.
© Pamela Kribbe
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan