With 9/11 tomorrow, we offer for your viewing two contemporary studies (The Demolition of Truth and 9/11 Building 7 Exposed) and two documentaries closer to the event (Loose Change and In Plane Site).
The Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11 – Broadcast Version
Incredible shares from psychiatrists and psychologists, and public figures about the truth of the “military-industrial complex” and 9/11 – and how they came to see the black op and speak out about it. Especially Gen. Wesley Clark got it right, in my view. I was impressed.
Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, discusses the evidence for a controlled demolition of Buildings 1, 2 and 7:
“Regarding Building 7: The 47-story building, which was not hit by an airplane and was located north of WTC 1, collapsed in about 6.5 seconds in symmetrical fashion more than seven hours after the other buildings fell. The pattern so resembled controlled demolition that experts who have studied it are increasingly questioning the official causation, which U.S. authorities and the mainstream media ascribed only to the effects of jet fuel and office fires.”
From: 9/11 Truth: Grand Jury Investigation of Collapse of WTC Twin Towers and Building Seven. Petition
Loose Change
One of the better, if older, investigations of 9/11. It set the standard for a 9/11 citizen documentary for a short time.
If you want to skip the historical background of false-flag operations (Reichstag fire, withheld foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, Gulf of Tonkin incident), go directly to 15:00.
In Plane Site
This is the video that woke me up in 2007. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I became so mad that I launched into study that carried me from 9/11 to depleted uranium and finally to the cabal/Illuminati. This blog was started in large measure to expose the cabal in my now-awakened outrage. (1)
NESARA was due to be proclaimed from the World Trade Center at 10:00 AM on September 11, 2001. The attack on the WTC occurred at 8:45 AM, one hour and fifteen minutes before that proclamation.
I’d think it poetic justice if the Reval were released this September 11.
8:45 AM 9/11 truth telling and service for the fallen.
10:00 AM. Quiet release of abundance – not NESARA, but the Reval – after a delay of 17 years.
(1) See for instance, “I Accuse,” 2008, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/04/29/i-accuse-2008/ and “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” Sept. 3, 2007, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/issue-mediation-process-r3/accountability/depleted-uranium-weapons/du-why-we-must-not-go-to-war-with-iran/