(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
What is our next step?
Archangel Michael: Those of you who have laid the groundwork, and who are well on your way to Self-mastery, are now ready for the next level of spiritual awareness. You − the Star Seed, the brave ones who have suffered through and emerged triumphant from many dark nights of the Soul in order to purge yourselves of old self-limiting concepts and energy patterns − are now ready to step to the foreground as the vanguard of evolving humanity and the inhabitants of the Light, bright and refreshed Earth.
You must consciously examine your beliefs and discard those which no longer serve your greatest good. You must remove yourself from the restrictions and the distortions of the collective consciousness belief patterns of the past. By doing so, you will gradually be lifted from the stifling density of the Third- and lower Fourth- Dimensional environment. You must disentangle yourselves from the confinement of misplaced obligations, real or imagined restrictions, and the distorted, debilitating beliefs of the lower realms of physicality.
Being in the world but not of it is one of the most important truths a budding master must learn and apply. Your main goal is to return to an accepted spectrum of duality, whereby your Energetic Signature is vibrating at a harmonious frequency pattern, which is compatible with the mid-Fourth Dimension or higher. This is the required level of harmonious frequencies needed to tap into the power and magic of the transmuting Violet Flame and to begin to access and use a full measure of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. This Light has consciousness; and as you assimilate it, and then activate it with your loving intention – the gift of higher consciousness is yours to use and to share. Never forget, this Creator Light is your Life Line to the ALL THAT IS.
The world within is filled with magic, wonderment and access to abilities that are beyond your imagining. You have spent a much longer time in a non-physical reality than you have in a physical body. Earthly existence is merely a moment in time compared to the eternity of the higher realms.
Your Sacred Mind is a storehouse of past experiences, wisdom and cosmic law. When the Soul merges fully with the Sacred Heart, it is a grand reunion of monumental proportions. The Soul, your intuition, and your inner-sensory abilities are all etheric Light Sources. When your intentions are centered in love and projected with purity, you become a powerful source of Sacred Fire energy. (1)
Archangel Michael: As you come together in unified, conscious intent with the good of all as your motivating force, you create a synergistic thought form of dynamic proportions. This is why you are now making such inroads in the mass consciousness mind set.
As spiritual Light warriors, even though your numbers are fewer than that of the masses, you are making great progress because of your unified, empowered thoughts of love, peace, abundance and harmony for all.
It is time to be bold and outrageous in your vision. Envision yourself as a loving, masterful sovereign entity, and then formulate in great detail how you will operate and function multi-dimensionally as a co-creator of Love, Light, peace and joy. (2)
Lord Maitreya: You are a phenomenal race, a phenomenal collective. You honor me and you call to me as master, and I accept not only this term but the responsibility and the gifts that this entails.
But, my beloved friends, you also are assuming your mastery, yes, in different ways, different styles, different approaches, different time-lines, if you think of time as a construct.
But all of you, individually and collectively, are not only claiming, some of you more actively than others, but all of you are claiming your mastery. And more importantly than that, you are remembering.
I eavesdrop, and I am present on Earth very often — and we will get to that — but I eavesdrop on many of your conversations. And I hear a consistency, not only among your InLight team, or not even amongst those seeking sacred union and forming it, and not only among the lightworker, love-holder community.
There is a theme that is occurring right now, and it is human beings declaring, somewhat vehemently, that they will not settle, that they will not settle individually and collectively.
This is a declaration, a glimmer. It is not merely an expression of hope, of faith, of trust; it is a declaration of worth. It is a declaration that you, individually and collectively, know the work you have done, know increasingly who you are and what your potential is, and that you will not settle for the illusion. You will not settle for second-best.
It is a declaration of deservingness, and it is a declaration that is the beginning point of your understanding, that you are here to create, to co-create with us and each other, and that you are here to experience joy in form, love in form, and that nothing else is sufficient. Nothing else is acceptable. Nothing else is good enough. (3)
Archangel Michael: As more and more of your old reality fades away and you move deeper into uncharted territory, you must learn to trust and have faith that the future is unfolding perfectly, no matter how chaotic and disruptive it may seem at times…
Remember what we told you about the Dweller at the threshold and the Angel of Presence who stands guard over the Portal of Light? You, the Wayshowers and designated Vanguard, are clearing the Sacred Pathway, and you are laying the foundation for the Divine Blueprint/frequencies of the New Age.
In order to do so, you must clear and harmonize the major portion of discordant vibrational patterns that remain within your four lower-body systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric.
This is necessary in order for you to integrate as much of the “radiance” of the new, more powerful God Rays as possible – the powerful and transformative Essence of the Creator – which is now bombarding the Earth and humanity. We have told you that the situations you are now experiencing are not specific “karmic actions” that you are clearing, for millions of you have moved into a State of Grace, and are no longer affected by the past.
They are a refinement process or a “Ritual of Passage,” which is a necessary cleansing and clearing process, so that you may step through the doorway or “Portal of Light” into the rarified realms of your future world. The Angel of Presence is slowly opening the Portal so that more and more Light may shine through and assist you to complete this Ritual of Passage. You are nearing the end of the “tunnel of transformation,” Beloveds, and we encourage you to “HOLD STEADY.” Your daily and nightly prayers/mantras should include: “I SHALL PREVAIL.”
We are ever near to give you strength when you falter, to share our wisdom when you are confused and do not know which way to turn, but first and foremost, we are here to love you now and forevermore. (4)
The Light Collective: Now is the time to consciously step beyond all belief in boundaries and limitations and to embrace this new world that humanity is entering. And it is you, the energy sensitives, who will lead your brothers and sisters into those very same frequencies that feel like “Home” to you. With your calm, neutral presence you will serve to comfort and teach those who hesitate and resist change. As you are able to accept change with grace and serenity, so, too, will your particular frequency radiate out to those who are near you.
As your energy body expands you will affect more and more people without doing anything other than being in alignment with your experience of the moment. It is this way, that you will aid humanity to eventually emerge into full consciousness, as each individual comes into the realization that it is time to accept their own power and sovereignty and to release all belief of limitation.
It is a great thing you do, just by being here, with your natural sensitivity and abilities to discern frequencies. You are not going insane. You are merely in the process of reawakening and remembering who and what you are, in the fullness of your expression within multidimensionality. In response to the incoming energies, your latent DNA signatures are coming online. There is no need to fear any longer. You do not need to protect yourself or contract from the energies. (5)
The Light Collective: There will be many new experiences as your abilities begin to come online. With the onslaught of cosmic energies, this is an inevitable process and is not to be avoided if you are to serve your soul’s purpose for you being here. Embrace the new perspective and awaken your sense of curiosity and delight in new experiences. Remember who you are and who you serve, the human collective, of which you are now a part. Embrace this transitional period as a process of rebirth into the wholeness that you experience in the higher dimensions. You are going Home and you are taking your brothers and sisters with you. (6)
The Pleiadian High Council: When every soul on your world can realize their potential to become Masters and to grow into greater and purer perceptions about themselves and the reality around them, we anticipate that your entire collective will get to work cultivating the ascended society we and you alike are so very ready to see established. (7)
You get rid of the feelings and beliefs of elimination, that “I have to eliminate these sins or these conditions before I can advance.” That is simply not the case.
Claim it! Claim your dominion! Claim your throne! Claim your power! But never, never think of yourself as less-than. (8)
(Concluded in Part 4, tomorrow.)
(1) “Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman: The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness. , “ April 2, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/02/archangel-michael-via-ronna-herman-the-next-level-of-spiritual-awareness/.
(2) “Archangel Michael: Angels of Mercy,” channelled through Ronna Herman, April 1, 2014, at https://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(3) “Lord Maitreya: We Will Not Settle Any Longer – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 13, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/28/lord-maitreya-we-will-not-settle-any-longer-part-22/.
(4) “Archangel Michael: Ritual of Passage into a Fifth Dimensional Reality,” channelled through Ronna Herman, January 1, 2014, at https://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(5) “The Light Collective: On Expansion,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), November 29, 2013 at https://bluedragonjournal.com.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) “The Pleiadian High Council: We’ll Help Expand Upon the Teachings of your Oneness,” channeled by Wes Annac, July 23, 2013 at https://aquariusparadigm.com.
(8) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” Hour with an Angel, July 7, 2013, through Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/ascension-as-of-2012/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangel-michael-the-first-form-you-assumed-was-angelic/.