Sinéad O’ Connor Credit: Vivascene
My information was that Pope John Paul tried to oppose the Vatican cabal, was cloned, and then poisoned.
Similarly Pope Francis is also opposing the Vatican cabal. That’s what he’s there to do, according to my sources. (See footnote 1)
That does not change the fact that the abuse is beyond shocking. It’s intolerable and must be stopped.
Do we owe Sinéad O’Connor an apology for speaking the truth about church child abuse?
Niall O’Dowd, Irish Central, August 19, 2018
Following the shocking revelations of 70 years of abuse of children by Pennsylvania priests, we owe Sinead O’Connor an apology.
Her declaration back in 1992 that the Catholic Church was rotten to its core and pedophile priests and their enablers were the real enemy was true.
It caused a massive worldwide reaction when she tore up a picture of the then Pope on Saturday Night Live in October 1992 and declared, “Fight the real enemy.”
We now know that the pedophile scandals were rampant during the era of Pope John Paul, who chose to turn a blind eye. O’Connor was calling out the right person.
Read more: Sinead O’Connor reveals her torment after she was sent to a Magdalene Laundry
Before Spotlight, before the worst of the American and Irish church scandals, O’Connor called it right and only got abuse in return.
The enemy has become very obvious since then. The revelation that a Pennsylvania grand jury found that more than 1,000 children in six dioceses there had been molested by 300 Catholic priests over the past 70 years while successive church officials covered it up is truly shocking.
Imagine if 300 imams were named as sex abusers of children. The Muslim religion would likely be banned and the imams driven out or jailed.
There is no reason to believe that Pennsylvania is an outrider and that similar scandals were not omnipresent in other dioceses.
Read more: Why Pope Francis should speak to Irish Catholic Church abuse survivors
“The pattern was abuse, deny and cover up”: Grand jury report details “systematic cover-up” of priest sexual abuse in Pennsylvania httpss://t.co/jeH7IYXhfK pic.twitter.com/4PmVawX1Ed
— CBS News (@CBSNews) August 14, 2018
The report is sickening. “During the course of this investigation, the Grand Jury uncovered a ring of predatory priests operating within the [Pittsburgh] Diocese who shared intelligence or information regarding victims as well as exchanging the victims amongst themselves. This ring also manufactured child pornography . . . [and] used whips, violence and sadism in raping their victims.”
According to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a boy named George, “was forced to stand on a bed in a rectory, strip naked and pose as Christ on the cross for the priests. They took photos of their victim, adding them to a collection of child pornography which they produced and shared on church grounds.”
It proves that the culture of pedophilia goes very deep and covering it up was the immediate priority. Many of the men involved still serve, notably Long Island bishop John Barres (who recently, incredibly, castigated women for using birth control).
Also, involved was Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl who, ironically, is accompanying the Pope to Ireland next week and speaking on the World Meeting of Families (no gay couples allowed, but pedophile cover-up merchants welcome it seems).
We may only be scratching the surface, as the grand jury said it believed the “real number” of abused children there might be “in the thousands.”
O’Connor had the bravery to point out the reality of the pedophile scandal that would engulf the church. She tore up the pope’s picture drawing massive protest down on herself.
A week later as Saturday Night Live’s host, Joe Pesci, displayed the same torn photo during his monologue, saying he had taped it back together. He received huge applause.
Read more: Irish survivor raped one year after Pope John Paul’s visit writes a letter to Francis
American actor Joe Pesci smiles as he holds up his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in ‘Goodfellas.’ Image: Hulton Archive/Getty Images
“She’s lucky it wasn’t my show. Cause if it was my show, I would have given her such a smack,” he added. The crowd approved that naked threat of violence.
The Catholic Church is scrambling. The church “must learn hard lessons from its past,” said Vatican spokesman Greg Burke on Thursday night. How do we know it is past? Can we believe a word from any clerical source any more?
Pope Francis, he stated, understood how “these crimes can shake the faith and spirit of believers” and he vowed that the Church would “root out this tragic horror.”
(1) “Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 1/2,” July 14, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/14/is-pope-francis-a-human-rights-abuser-part-1-2/ and “Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 2/2,” July 15, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/07/15/is-pope-francis-a-human-rights-abuser-part-2-2/
“‘Pope Francis is another well-known and greatly respected person. The spiritually evolved soul who embodied as Jorge Bergoglio did so by request of the highest universal council so that later he could fill the powerfully influential papal position. In keeping with the soul’s acceptance, the universe “paved the way” for the opportunity that “fit.” Thus Bergoglio became the pope and, despite strong opposition in the Vatican, he is acting upon what he feels is his responsibility, to right the wrongs that body has perpetrated from its inception. [July 21, 2013]’
“Thank you, [Mother, for including this passage]. Because Pope John Paul had the same intent, against his will, he was cloned before being poisoned. Had Pope Francis resisted involvement, the same fate would have befallen him. To expose this evil long-perpetuated by the Vatican hierarchy, he had to stay alive.” (Matthew’s Message, June 2, 2014,at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)