In order to create as much literature for newcomers as possible, I’m doing this series in the most time-efficient way: in a question-and-answer format.
These are some excerpts from a booklet that will be posted in full at the end of this series.
(Continued from Part 4, yesterday.)
What will happen when the pure feminine energy expands throughout the world?
The collective consciousness will take a quantum leap into Love as the pure feminine energy expands throughout the world. (“Archangel Gabriel: The Lion’s Gateway Initiation,” channeled by Shanta Gabriel, July 15, 2013 at
Many Lightworker/Star Seeds have been working to shift the collective consciousness.
We know that you have been actively doing your best for many experiences on the timeline to shift the collective consciousness and anchor a reality that is life sustaining for all.
We acknowledge you for your true dedication and continued service to this global process. It is that focused dedication and service that has flushed these hidden, often suppressed, misqualified energies to the surface.
These emotional patterns and attitudes of fear, self-righteousness, prejudice and anger have always been an aspect of the human energy field, as have a sense of lack, of unworthiness, not good enough, less than, hopelessness and helplessness.
Now more than ever these very energy qualities are being brought to the forefront, to center stage of your current time. Most of these misqualified energies and patterns have been hidden, denied and suppressed by each and every individual. There are those who will act out these emotional energies in a covert, manipulative and often unconscious manner. In doing so, they truly distort and use their creative abilities in harmful and life suppressing actions.
These dense misqualified emotional energies are often referred to as the shadow of the individual. They have been a part of the human consciousness since the beginning of your timeline. Remember this planet is a planet of duality, of opposites. So this hologame has offered the choices of good/bad, right/wrong, love/fear, separateness/oneness, light/dark, life-sustaining/life-diminishing.
Every earthwalker on this planet is a multidimensional being of divine consciousness, choosing to enter this timeframe and play out these emotions. You understand that everyone is empathic, sensitive and able to feel the energy fields surrounding them. However, most individuals are totally unaware that they are feeling, responding to and acting out the emotions of those around them, of the collective field. (“‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Transform The Shadow of the Collective,” February 24, 2017, at
Those of you who have laid the groundwork, and who are well on your way to Self-mastery, are now ready for the next level of spiritual awareness. You − the Star Seed, the brave ones who have suffered through and emerged triumphant from many dark nights of the Soul in order to purge yourselves of old self-limiting concepts and energy patterns − are now ready to step to the foreground as the vanguard of evolving humanity and the inhabitants of the Light, bright and refreshed Earth. (“Archangel Michael: The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness,“ channeled by Ronna Herman, April 2, 2017, at
Those of you consciously utilizing the higher-dimensional energy you’re being given have as well made great effects in your collective consciousness. (“Our Universal Family: You’ve Entered a Time of Rapid Progression,” channeled by Wes Annac, November 15, 2013 at
The Lightworker public has been instrumental in transmuting the bulk of dense energy prevalent and fed in your collective consciousness, and many of you have taken personal sacrifices in allowing the dense energy of others to come through your temples and be transmuted. (“Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: Spiritual Liberation will help you Create Heaven on Earth,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 26, 2013 at
You are the Light Bearers of this time. Your Soul has led you into new ways to perceive and receive the wisdom of the ages. Your presence makes a huge difference.
All that you are longing to experience as an awakened soul on the planet is within your grasp. Together you are changing consciousness on the earth by lifting the spirit of all humanity into global awareness.
New life is occurring within the Earth as you are growing and awakening as a community of Light. The remembrance of your soul’s collective consciousness through the coding within you has been fired.
You have a deep knowing of what is possible because you experienced at in other times and in other dimensions. These are the sacred teachings encoded in the Light, and it is this that you are bringing to the planet now.
Through you all of humanity is awakening. Through you the Earth is evolving and transcending time and space, allowing spontaneous evolution to come ever closer. It is all possible through the Light and power of the Divine Presence working through you. (“An Expanded Perspective from Archangel Metatron – Awakening Higher Consciousness on Earth,” channeled by Shanta Gabriel, August 22, 2014 at
What must we do to assist with the cleansing of the collective consciousness?
You must consciously examine your beliefs and discard those which no longer serve your greatest good. You must remove yourself from the restrictions and the distortions of the collective consciousness belief patterns of the past.
By doing so, you will gradually be lifted from the stifling density of the Third- and lower Fourth- Dimensional environment. You must disentangle yourselves from the confinement of misplaced obligations, real or imagined restrictions, and the distorted, debilitating beliefs of the lower realms of physicality. (“Archangel Michael,” channeled by Ronna Hermann, ibid.)
Find a way to re-connect all three parts of your individual consciousness (subconscious, Super-consciousness and your waking consciousness) so you have access to the Higher Mind that guides you from within, through your High Heart Center. This consciousness is You, your Higher Self that exists, also, as a collective consciousness. And yet also exists as units capable of individual thought. (“The Council of Nine: On Expansion of Self-Awareness,” channeled by Eliza Ayres [aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara], May 17, 2014 at
Humanity’s progress is based primarily on your efforts, and so far, you’ve enabled the light to enter your collective consciousness in much greater ways than before and this is causing the lightening and refinement of your perception. (“Spiritual Guidance: Spirit is Becoming a Reality,” channeled by Wes Annac, April 22, 2014, at
Allow your imagination to flow, dear ones. What little we are able to convey here is only a minuscule portion of what you are about to discover or are even now in the process of discovering. Many worlds exist outside the boundaries of your mind, but not outside of your greater consciousness, as each of you is a facet of the Mind of God. Begin to tune into the other facets of consciousness that exist, simultaneously with your own and allow a sense of wonderment to fill you up – as there is no end to what you will discover on your journey within. Bon voyage! (“The Council of Nine,” ibid.)
You also have the power of your Presence to surround and penetrate the collective consciousness of humanity with the Violet Flame so it can be used to transmute and consume whatever is in the way of living in Unity or Christ Consciousness. (Saint Francis) and Lady Claire,” through Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose, Nov. 15, 2013 at
The efforts you’re making in the physical to establish a new paradigm are necessary indeed and will go on to have great effects in your collective consciousness. (“Our Universal Family: Every Facet of Consciousness is Inexplicably Connected,” channeled by Wes Annac, October 28, 2013 at
(Concluded in Part 6, tomorrow.)