Longime meditator Paula Forget, also a member of the Bellingham Meet-Up, has produced a delightful video.
I knew Paula had written books on meditation, but now I got to see her teach.
Now keep this as backdrop. You also need to know that, prior to watching her video and after it, I’m ongoingly writing a book on who it is that’s here: The ascended masters of all shades and stripes who’ve converged on planet Earth and are reading this right about now. (Gotcha, didn’t I?)
So here I am reading about angels in form, Pleadians and Sirians, masters all who have struggled with difficult existences so they could understand the conditions facing Earth’s longer-term residents and and then turn around and help them ascend; i.e., lightworkers, loveholders, etc.
And I receive notice that Paula has just been featured in a Youtube video.
OK. That’s the backdrop. Return to Paula now.
I can’t think of a way I’d have improved on a word of her meditation. Not an alarm bell went off. Which bespeaks a smoothness of delivery. Which bespeaks calmness, balance, poise.
Her meditation, while spiritually based is not, as she says, religious. I didn’t hear a trace of any denomination. I respect that kind of grounding. I imagine it reflects the amount of meditation she’s done.
Allegedly it’s a One-Minute Power Meditation, and perhaps it could become that for me. For the moment, I found myself dwelling on each step, as a portal into whatever she was talking about at that moment.
Well done, Paula. If your one-minute power meditation works, no matter how long it takes, I – relentless Type A personality that I am – may once again become a meditator.
But nothing personal, if I don’t, dear heart. Life will allegedly get busier. Which makes your idea all the more intriguing.
Well done, angelic master and undoubted starseed, as are all who read this and watch you. In my opinion.