These are my personal dreams about some philosophical and practical things I’d like to see in our new global society.
Let me start from first principles.
It’s an article of faith with me that every being is Fire of the One Fire, Light of the One Light. Every being is sovereign in their own right, born with a common mission, a shared purpose.
That purpose is to develop and rise in consciousness from a lack of awareness of self to the realization of one’s own true nature and identity.
It’s a journey that spans many lifetimes.
Every being should be offered all help and encouragement on their way.
In my view, all people are free to hold and express their own views and feelings, without coercion. They’re entitled to a listening free of bias or personal agenda, without harm in action or harmful intent in response.
All people are free to worship in the way they choose, provided they don’t harm anyone.
Where freedom is lacking, it should be restored in all situations on Earth.
The Law of Free Will is a universal law, a law of nature. Violating it brings “re-education” in other lifetimes and, if serious enough, could disqualify a person from coming along with the rest of us in Ascension. I’m thinking of torturers, rapists, murderers, child-killers, etc.
Restricting the freedom of another is like an anchor that keeps a person in lower density.
I call upon the global community to commit to taking responsibility for the less fortunate on our planet who are facing life-threatening conditions or conditions that promise to lead to serious harm.
These might include location near a landslide area, as in some coastal South-American cities, or a water system that’s seriously toxic, as in Flint, Michigan, or the loss of traditional food sources.
The global community agrees to aim at establishing equal or equitable (1) conditions, as appropriate, for all people on Earth.
I say “equal” to mean the same measure given to each. I use “equitable” to mean “equal” as modified by biological or other conditions such as a woman’s pregnancy or a condition of disability. Both will be defined by the local culture.
We need to turn “equal” into “equitable” and equitable back into equal again. It isn’t a static distinction, but a fluid one.
My job is to dream. I’m beginning to “dream” of a global society. It’s only your encouragement that has me venture out on the skinny branches repeatedly, continually, again and again, as Ben Fulford says.
Thank you for it.