There’s something happening inside me, to be sure.
I’m going through some sort of passage.
I think of myself as dancing a very delicate “duet of One,” as Ramesh Balsekar called it. (1)
I’m under pressure from myself to get bigger, in all respects, to manage the job I’ve been assigned after the Reval. (2)
And it’s a dance for sure. I must maintain my forward momentum while learning on the fly. And what I need to learn is how to expand without falling into egotism. How to get bigger without being hijacked by the self-serving “I am.”
AND without falling into false modesty either, which saps the strength a leader. It’s a dance for sure.
I’m going to need a high measure of detachment and balance while being in constant motion. An introvert, an urban monk in constant action – even that’s a challenge.
I keep thinking Zen monks and Shaolin monks. I know I had no connection to them, except spiritually.
And while I’m doing all this, I’m to lead a somewhat-normal life. Eat, drink, and be merry. (3)
I don’t think I could manage without moulting my personality/skin, which is proving too small for me already. Like a hermit crab. I need to find a new and bigger shell.
And I’m not even out of the starting gate.
Everything about me – attitude, morality, sincerity – needs to shed its containment and confinement. I need to bust out of my skin.
“Moulting” is like priming the pump of transformation, as far as I’m concerned. What’s going to open up opens up in the space that’s created by letting go or, as Michael likes to remind us, surrendering.
Surrendering to all of it, allowing more and more of what is to happen happen, trusting that what unfolds is God’s Will.
That to me is a desirable state. Way out in front of me at this moment (Kathleen is much more successful here) but a desirable target.
“Moulting” to me means letting go, accepting, and allowing, rather than resisting and denying. Dropping some habitual pattern of resistance such as excusing, denying, and justifying.
When I moult or let go, I at once surrender to life unfolding. This is like the monk. But I also must lead – and lead an active life. This is like the warrior.
I who like to walk slowly around the park with his eyes to the ground is now going to be constantly active. These were my salad days.
I’m baring myself to you, sharing my Ascension process, which includes uncovering the rubble I’ve called vasanas and then letting go of the various negative beliefs and opinions, and everything that resulted from them. These notes as a whole form an Ascension ethnography. Some people will call it a diary. I hope we have many, many more records of other people’s own Ascension journey.
I can’t see any way around the fact that succeeding in the role ahead of me requires me to “get bigger” (4) than I am at this moment.
I know that my natural Self is unattached to anything except the Mother and the One. So that should be my first clue.
My second clue is my own studies of the basic spiritual movement being to turn from the world to God.
To approach my real Self, to be my natural Self – the state called Sahaja or natural – my guess is that detachment from the things that distract us (let me put it that way) and concentration on the One we serve is a very good choice for people who’ve agreed to be lightworkers. That’s my bias.
What I sense is that the way for me to get bigger, to expand – and I see this as stretching onward and onward into life – is to let go, let go, let go.
What an interesting development. Most of our leaders think they grow by acquiring. Hmmmm….
(1) Ramesh Balsekar, Duet of One: The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue. Los Angeles: Advaita Press, 1989.
(2) As what Michael calls a pipeline. This role is in addition to being CEO of GAoG, the Michaelangelo Fund, the International Hope Chest, the Lightworkers Fund, etc.
I must get bigger, expand, grow up, however you wish to put it, to manage the total responsibility or even the first part of it. The monk has been put in charge of the show, so to speak. (In my case there’s a blend of warrior and monk.) And no excuses will do.
Michael then goes on to say that all this financial work is a sideshow: the main event is still in the offing, which I think is Disclosure.
Archangel Michael: Do not forget. You are a communicator first and foremost, … a communicator on process, on truth. You are a bridge to your star brothers and sisters. The money is just a side event. The main event has yet to occur. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 2, 2013.)
(3) Archangel Michael: You did not come to [be a spiritual teacher], and so that is what was meant by that comment. Part of your and part of our recommendation to you is to play, to laugh, to enjoy, to be physical, so that you are anchored in the physical reality – because you are here to be a transition point and to be able to show people how to do both.
If you were completely involved in your full awakening, you in very great likelihood would not be forming a platform with me. You would be off somewhere in an ashram meditating.
So that is what we have meant. Ground yourself. Be human and love the experience of being in form.
Steve: OK. Boy. Eat, drink and be merry!
AAM: It is difficult, no?
Steve: Yes, it is. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid., May 6, 2013.)
(4) “Getting bigger” for me is the experience of having greater awareness, greater relaxation of muscular holding patterns, and greater access to patience and love.