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Michael once enigmatically said to me that I travel interdimensionally.
“You do not have a strictly Third-Dimensional reality. You shift dimensions continually. Sometimes you do not realize it simply because it is your normal. … You take it as a given.” (1)
I have no recollection of it. I haven’t known what he might be referring to, until today.
Today I saw something very revealing.
I found myself, as I was working away on the computer, suddenly becoming aware of a deep sense of peace that was already present, which I hadn’t been noticing. As soon as I did, it reconstituted itself like a dry sponge in water.
I’ve already seen, in the case of bliss and peace, that they were already there, present in my experience, without me noticing them or paying attention to them if I did notice.
I didn’t know how to “be with” the bliss and peace that was already there. I didn’t know it was there. I wouldn’t have known what to make of it.
Here I was going in and out of these states, without noticing either of them. What did I know?
But when I acknowledged bliss, it filled the place up, took over the ranch. (2)
The same with peace. When I noticed the peaceful face at the train station, and noticed its space for what it was (deep peace), that same peace took hold of me and I found myself in it. (3)
I think we all are far more interdimensional than we realize.
I think we all go in and out of higher-dimensional spaces briefly, all the time, without realizing it.
And the corollary to that is that, if we notice or recognize these instances of bliss, peace, joy or other higher states of being, they should expand and unfold into a full expression of that quality. That’s my working hypothesis anyways, my next experiment.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 26, 2011.
(2) “I Got It. This is It,” Stable State,”
(3) See “The Peace that Passeth Understanding,”