Dear Ascending Ones,
We Arcturians understand the many challenges that you are bravely facing within your NOW. Therefore, we would like to remind you that you are NEVER alone. Your fifth dimensional family is always with you, whether or not you are aware of it.
In fact, you will receive some of your strongest blessings and memories of home when you least expect them and do not need to “control your mind or monitor your thoughts.
Please remember that YOU are the captain of your ship. and you are your ship. As your consciousness advances more and more into the fifth dimension, you will begin to realize that a new reality is coming into your perspective.
This new reality does not need to be worked for or even practiced. This new reality is budding first from within you because your chakras are beginning to spin to a frequency rate of the fifth dimension.
Then, once your chakras have been stabilized to the next octave of reality, your thoughts will be of another reality that is just beyond the physical, but also the higher frequencies of reality will move more and more into your conscious awareness.
Also please remember that reality is what you are then it is. Whatever it is, you are in control. When it is the now to change you must let go and it reveals all fear. When you release all fear you will find that your are within the Now of the Here.
Time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimensions. On the third dimension, time is the most rigid. On the fourth dimension, time is more flexible and changes within your state of mind and emotional body are more easily initiated.
In the fifth dimension all “time” is NOW. Within that now you will know how you can remember the fifth dimensional version of HERE and NOW, as well as HOW. You will need to release your third/fourth dimensional habit of time a space as time/space is a product of the third/fourth dimensional reality band of Earth.
Yes, there is a “reality band” that encompasses each and every frequency of reality. Your assignment within the NOW is to go within and find the reality band that you created while you were resonating to your fifth dimensional SELF, and with your fifth dimensional empathy that called you to choose to wear an earth vessel within your difficult NOW.
With your fifth dimensional empathy for all life you took a third dimensional form to assist Gaia with Her transmutation. In this manner you were able to assist Gaia to gather as great an energy field as possible. This higher energy field is vital to assisting humanity to UNITE with their fifth dimensional SELF in the higher realms of reality.
This Unity allows more and more people to being to remember who they are within their fifth dimensional frequency band. As they remember their fifth dimensional self, that frequency of consciousness can assist them to focus on unity with all life while they are wearing their third/fourth dimensional form.
In this manner they have a greater ability to remember that they are actually fifth dimensional beings/humans who are primarily Pleiadians. In fact, they/you can look, think, and feel more like humans than their true Galactic Self. In this manner, our very brave volunteers who take an earth vessel can better progress with transmuting all the third dimensional versions of their SELF into their fifth dimensional consciousness.
It can be quite difficult to wear a third dimensional body while your consciousness is returning to your innate fifth dimensional consciousness. However, it is in this manner that you will remember how to transmute your third/fourth dimensional form, thoughts and emotions into their true fifth dimensional resonance.
Once you attempt to connect wit your fifth dimensional SELF, something will occur within your third dimensional physical body and your fourth dimensional astral body will begin to merge into ONE.
It is the merging that initiates your transmutation back to your fifth dimensional self. The merging of your third, fourth and fifth dimensional self that has the collective power to not only transmute your self, but to also transmute your reality, as well as Gaia’s reality.
Usually, no one understands ascension and no one ever will because you need to know that you are in control of whatever it is that makes you be YOU. What if for all of your life that you are a living with many incarnations, slowly or suddenly, began to remember. Then three, then more and more of the many incarnations that you have experienced on Earth?
When you do finish your ascension process, you will be able to understand and remember what is occurring on the fifth dimensional Ship and your fifth dimensional reality. When you first began to remember your fifth dimensional SELF you were entering Cycle ONE of your ascension process.
Cycle one is much like an adult nursery school in that you are learning how to interact with a new reality that you do not remember. Just as many children do not remember their former incarnation, they will not easily remember that when they becomes adults.
When one crosses over as a child they often remember their life quite easily because they are still young enough to not think about judging others. These new humans that have “crossed over” into the lower third and fourth dimensions often feel like something, or someone is missing.
They also miss something that they cannot quite title, but they know that they were in one very loving place, and now they are in another place that is quite different. Entering an earth vessel can be quite shocking to one who has been in a light body and are now wearing a very dense physical body. Fortunately, the “new volunteers to take an earth vessel” can still remember going UP into their ship and Down into the Core of Gaia.
However, they soon learn that if they tell other “human ones” about their experiences, they will likely be scorned, laughed at, or even punished for “lying.” This punishment for “telling a truth that the parents have forgotten” actually prepares the child for the many illusions and judgment of a third dimensional reality.
Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to remember that they are NOT just humans. In fact, they are only “wearing a human vessel” so that they can interact with humanity, so that they can report back to their Ships about the readiness for humanity to accept the “Landings.”
There are still so many humans who are totally asleep to the concept of ascension, or even Starships and being from a another, much more advance reality. The leaders are often the most closed off to this information, as they like to be appearing as the “top of the heap,” when in fact they are truly “the lost ones.”
You were told before you chose to take an earth vessel that you were to serve as scouts who were assigned to go deep into Gaia’s energy field and report back to the Ship what you discovered.
The fact is that many of these Galactic/Human merges have been completed in that the human one remembered that they ARE the Galactic one as well. It is within that NOW that that human begins their transmutations back into their true multidimensional SELF. This merging, also activates the Light Body.
Your Light Body is the YOU fifth dimensional you that you are on the fifth dimensional Starships. The only times that fifth dimensional Starships or humans are perceived by third dimensional humans is when that human has expanded their consciousness to include the fifth dimension.
However, the humans that have been able to survive in a third dimensional reality filled with those who are consciously working AGAINST any form of ascension, have become very strong and have learned to check someone’s aura before they tell them the truth.
It is quite dangerous to tell people who are not ready for that information because they become very frightened. And, just as a frightened animal can be dangerous, so can a frightened human.
You, the members of the transmuting humans, have volunteered to assist Gaia and Her Planetary Ascension by choosing to take fourth dimensional issues and transmute them into fifth dimensional solutions. It is for this reason that humanity is entering a “transmutational cycle.”
We say “transmutational cycle” because it calls for the definition we will now come between. The “false truths” and secret facts will soon be revealed. Therefore, please remember that as Gaia continues Her transmutation into Her fifth dimensional expression of Her Planetary Body, there will be NO separation of thoughts.
Everyone will communicate with all other beings, planetary, animal, elemental, etc., as well with all humans via the same “inner channel” that they have already chosen to communicate through. This channel comes through our “Inter-dimensional Portals,” which connects the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth dimension to the sixth, seventh and beyond realities.
Of course, these portals have always been there and almost always open. One of the few times that these port is were closed was when Earth humans began to “play with” nuclear weapons, and nuclear “accidents” such as Chernobyl.
When humanity evolved—or rather devolved—into making weapons of mass destruction, and even planetary destruction, we the Galactics had to step in to assist. Usually a society in which technology races ahead of Wisdom, Power and Love finds it self in a huge initiation which often feels like the fear of great danger,
An example of this was the nuclear testing and other weapons that occurred after World War II. These weapons often came from the Zeta Reticuli who desperately need assistance and went to those who were NOT concerned about anything thing but their own needs and desires of power over others.
You can look at the older television show called “X Files” to find the truths that are hidden in that story line. In fact, there are a great deal of “fiction” movies and shows that are actually the truth.
However, the United States and most of the earthlings are NO longer in communication with the Zetas’. They just needed human DNA to heal their dying race, and once they got what they needed, they returned to space and their Homeworld in a distant place in your Galaxy.
However, some Zetas still remain close to Gaia, but to protect Her and not to harm her. Their own planet had been greatly harmed, and they did not want to be a part of that happening on another planet. In fact, the Pleiadians and we the Arcturians stepped in and taught the Zetas how to solve their genetic problems.
Since the Zetas were mostly concerned about getting the right DNA to keep their species alive, they left Earth as soon as they got what they needed. Now that their ability to create their own DNA has been restored, they permanently live in their own area of space and leave Earth alone,
Meanwhile, all of us Galactics are interested in discovering how Gaia and Her earthlings will be able to complete their planetary ascension within the “Portal Opening” that has been planned. This portal, being a fifth dimensional portal, is actually a portal to many fifth dimensional portals.
We Galactics will remain close to Earth so that we can be of assistance when it is the NOW for the opening of all the fifth dimensional portals. These portals, working as ONE huge portal, will serve as an opening between the fifth dimensional energy fields of expanding space and the third/fourth dimensional portals on Earth that will open to accept this higher dimensional gift.
Of course, we Galactics, led by the Arcturians, will assist Gaia as She goes through Her “birth canal” into the fifth dimension and beyond. Gaia is a “learning planet,” in which energy out-flowing from the planet, will eventually return to the planet. In order for Gaia to ascend, humanity will need to stand as ONE Being to assist with the process of “Planetary Ascension.”
We do not need to tell you how many “dark ones” still live on and/or rule Gaia. The issue with planetary ascension will not be the planet, but the “service to self” humans who have too often been the rulers of Gaia’s sweet earth.
Earth was always meant to be an “energy out equals energy back” planet. Therefore, the best way for humanity to assist Gaia is NOT with wars and weapons. The BEST way to assist Gaia is to send our Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into all of Gaia’s Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Elementals.
Humanity will NOT save Earth with wars and weapons. The only way that humanity can save Earth is with A COLLECTIVE MAJORITY OF BEINGS who send out UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and VIOLET FIRE deep into Gaia’s Core and into ALL of Gaia’s aura and atmosphere.
If the ascending ones can remember and teach humanity that they ALL volunteered to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension, humanity can fulfill the reason why they chose to leave the Love and Light of the higher dimensional worlds.
Please remember that YOU are vital for the process of Planetary Ascension.
Call us and we will answer!
The Arcturians and your Galactic Family