Credit: Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command – Blogger
Cdr Ashtar’s discussion of himself and the Ashtar Command deserves a separate post by itself.
Notice his assertion that he comes from beyond the Twelfth Dimension, “out of the realm of human experience.”
That means the Transcendental, about which I’m coming to see I (perhaps we) know very, very little.
Ashtar “appear[s] in human form” but, coming from the planes above the Twelfth, there’s no need for him to assume any kind of form.
Cdr Ashtar: If you were to think of me as a man — because in many ways, as you know, I am [of the] Adam Kadmon [template], Ad-man, hu-man — we share this. (1) …
The place that I feel most at home, above and below, is in the new Jerusalem. Failing that, where I feel most at home is when I return to the heart of One, when I sit with my beloved brothers and Father, our Mother. Yes, like you, of course, I do that daily. But the time will come when all of us will return to Source, to that pure light.
In the meanwhile, I am known from many places — Arcturus, Venus — for I have been part of the Kumara effort, shall we say. Pleiadian sector is one of my favorite playgrounds. I thank you for asking who I am, because not many do. …
I am a working man, albeit different, although I appear in human form, often. So, I am like you.
I cherish my family. I cherish my workers. I cherish my friends. …
I am a commander of an entire fleet, and that is a sacred honor and a trust that has been given to me….
You can tell when I am channeling, because of the connection with Lord Sananda. And so anything that I bring forth has need to be in alignment with those that I serve, with the mission that I have chosen. So when it feels as if I am laying down the law, that I am ordering anybody to do anything, then you can trust that this is not me. …
What we have done is we have brought our vibrations to the fifth dimension in order to be at a place where we can meet you. If you are to think of the human realm and what is available currently to you, if you were looking for me, I would be out of the realm of human experience. So, let us make that clear as well. But if you were to…
SB: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that correct?
A: That is correct. (2)
Steve Beckow: Some people may wonder exactly what coalitions are here – and I expect there are a large number, but perhaps we could restrict ourselves to the major coalitions.
The Galactic Federation is here, the Ashtar Command, the United Forces of the Outer Galaxies. Can you tell us what the relationships are among those? For instance, is the Ashtar Command part of the Galactic Federation of Light?
Ashtar: Yes. It is.
SB: What distinguishes the Ashtar Command from the GFOL generally?
A: Well, I would like to say that it is me, but I do not think that that would be acceptable to my colleagues – at all!
I have been called an impetuous young man by some [Steve: by the Divine Mother, actually], but in fact that is not my way at all. I am very much the shepherd and the peacekeeper. We are colleagues, we are allies. And what you don’t tend to think of is that we are friends. In many cases there is a lineage and a connection in terms of how we have traveled and emanated throughout the universe.
So it is a very cooperative relationships. It is not what some think, that one is doing something and the other is not aware of it. That is simply not the case at all. We are a very cohesive alliance. And within that, of course, there are alliances.
So, the Ashtar Command, as you think of it, is an arm, or a fleet. As you know there are millions of ships – no, not all directly above your planet, but certainly in circulation very close by. And so there is a great deal of logistics that need to be worked on between the intergalactics and the Galactic Federation of Light. And my command is part and parcel of that.
We tend to work as an independent arm because we have our own mission and purpose. And our mission and purpose is very specifically working with Disclosure and working with the arrival of many forces – what we would call forces – upon the planet of Earth, and beginning that process of cohabitation, of collegiality, of exchange, of technological upgrades.
But do not think that we are not all working together. That simply would be a grave misunderstanding. And you have pretty much covered it. Those are the umbrella groups, you know. The Intergalactics, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, the Galactic Federation of Light, and yes, my command.
SB: Some people say that the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light are different. Is that the case?
A: Yes. But it is a distinction that we make, but you don’t need to.
SB: Can you explain that, please?
A: You have a situation on Earth where you would have various arms of your … your exploratory forces. So, for example, you would have Marines that work with the Navy. Well, the Galactic Federation works with the Galactic Federation of Light. So think of it as a … an arm that is working cooperatively but is independent in terms of their organization, their directive, their mission and purpose.
SB: You mention galactics and intergalactics. Can you explain to us what the difference is between the two, please?
A: It is very simple. It is just a matter of distance. It is just a matter of how far you’ve come, and what the allegiance and the experience has been. Understand, we have gathered from all over the multiverse, and some of us have arrived independently, long ago. But that does not mean that we were not aware of each other’s desire to come and to be part of this unfoldment of your planet.
So it is more a distinction of how far, rather than anything else.
SB: And when you say “how far,” do you mean from Earth?
A: Yes, that is correct. And from which dimensions, and from which universes.
SB: Can you tell us just a little bit about the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies? I don’t think anyone apart from people who’ve heard about Grener know about them. It says “the outer galaxies.” Outer galaxies in relationship to what? Where are they from, Ashtar?
A: The outer galaxies are what you think of as the very distant reaches of the universe. So very often what is happening, although there are a great deal of Pleiadian energy on the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies as well, but their recruits and families and their forces have been gathered from many planets and systems that you are not aware of, such as Xares or CCC, planets that are not really readily known to the people of Earth. (3)
(1) Not that he “is” Adam Kadmon, which is the name of a bodily template not a person, but that he “is” human.
(2) “Transcript of Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/04/25/transcript-of-ashtar-on-an-hour-with-an-angel-april-23-2012/.
(3) “Ashtar: Acknowledgement of Our Presence Need not Take Months … Only Minutes,” Aug. 14, 2012, at https://the2012scenario.com/2012/08/ashtar-acknowledgement-of-our-presence-need-not-take-months-only-minutes/.