Even the so-called ‘evil’ people are God, acting a dark role in a cosmic drama. In so doing they are serving God. This is their means of service to God. In this article we explore the notion of two forms of service to God- service to God as/within Self, and service to God as/within Others.
Before we go any further, I must acknowledge with immense gratitude the work of LL Research in bringing forth into publication the channelled works of Ra in The Law of One. I have already examined the reality of channelling as a valid phenomena. This particular work however, has greatly influenced me and contributed immensely to my understanding of key spiritual laws. This article draws heavily on this seminal work.
In the famed Indian epic, the Sri Ramcharitamanasa, Tulsidas writes of the plight of the archetypical demon Ravan as he comes to the realisation that his nemesis, Lord Rama, was none other than the Supreme Spirit made manifest on Earth. Ravan was an all-powerful emperor who ruled over most of the Earth in the ages past. His was a cruel and tyrannical rein, born of his great physical and spiritual strength.
Tulsidas pens the thoughts of Ravan when he heard the news of Lord Rama killing his brothers in battle.
“If the Lord Himself, the delighter of the celestials, and the reliever of Earth’s burden has appeared on Earth I will go and resolutely fight with Him and cross the ocean of mundane existence by falling to His arrows. Adoration is out of the question in this body.”
It must be noted at this point that Ravan, as his Higher Self, served in the heavenly realms as a gatekeeper, and had opted to serve for three lifetimes as an enemy of the incarnation of God. In so doing, he would gain a tremendous amount of spiritual merit and advance his own evolution. This was one of those lifetimes for him.
Why choose to be an enemy of God? This is so that God can have the glory of triumph. Understand that this is a cosmic drama of Light vs Dark. However, there is only One. There is no Light and Dark. God chooses to be both Light and Dark. Some expressions or aspects of God must agree to play the role of the Dark so that those playing the role of the Light can have victory.
Ravan’s spiritual journey is reflective of that of each and every one of us. We all choose both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lifetimes to suit our purposes. In each case however, the overarching purpose is service to God. We can choose to serve God who dwells in ourselves, thus choose the negative or ‘evil’ path of Service-to-Self. Or we can choose to serve God who dwells in everyone, thus choose the positive or ‘good’ path of Service-to-Others. Either way we gain experience and we serve God.
In the Law of One, the channelled entity Ra unifies the service offered by the two paths as follows:
“The distortion lies in the fact that those who seek to serve the self are seen by the Law of One as precisely the same as those who seek to serve others, for are all not one? To serve yourself and to serve other is a dual method of saying the same thing, if you can understand the essence of the Law of One.”
What do these two paths look like in the world?
Service-to-Self is characterised by control and oppression of others. It seeks to achieve self-gain at the expense of others. It naturally creates hierarchical systems where those at the top have more power and control over those at the bottom. It is authoritarian and militaristic at it’s heart.
In contrast, Service-to-Others is characterised by empowering and liberating others. It is loving, caring and compassionate. It naturally creates true democratic systems where everyone has fair and equal say in matters affecting them.
If we examine the nature and structure of most governmental, corporate, military, and other institutions we will find a mix of both systems. Both philosophies coexist simultaneously. There is often an organisational hierarchy which speaks of a service-to-self philosophy, and within a certain level there is often some forms of democratic systems which speaks of a service-to-others philosophy.
These systems are created to advance our mode of thought, our own philosophies. Two identical organisations can have two completely different cultures- one that is based predominantly on a service-to-self orientation, and the other on a service-to-other orientation. Organisational culture starts from the top. The philosophies of those at the head tend to filter down to those below. I personally have experienced three different organisational cultures at the high school where I taught, as the school saw three different principals during the time of my tenure.
This is the predominant reason why Archangel Michael has repeatedly called on Lightworkers to step into leadership roles. Lightworkers embody the very essence of service-to-others and will create organisational cultures that promote this philosophy.
(To be concluded, tomorrow.)
(1) See Narendra Misra, Reflections on Mourning: A Journey in Spirit at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Reflections-on-Mourning-1.pdf