Following on my last post regarding the replication of my astral dagger and sceptre, I thought that it might be time to share the experience in which I received, or rather recovered, those aspects of myself.
This comes in the form of my personal journal of the experience. However, it was too large to be posted as a blog post and Steve suggested that I create an e-book instead which I did, and now humbly present to you.
This experience came forth as the result of a cross-cultural discussion I was having with my dear friend, Rev. Lynda Humphrey Seales as to the similarities different cultures have in marking the final rites of initiation for their adepts or monks.
Lynda comes from the African Spiritual Baptist tradition, and I from the Indian Vedic tradition. Lynda is also a channel for Spirit, and Spirit took the opportunity to suggest, rather strongly, that I undergo this initiation. What happens next, I document in the free e-book (below), Reflections on Mourning: A Journey in Spirit.
This is a true account of my journey in spirit that took place between July 23rd and July 29th, 2017. It is in fact my personal journal of the experience, with very minor edits for clarity. If it does not read like a typical journal it was not meant to… but more on that after.
For now, please allow me the opportunity to briefly introduce myself. I am by profession a Vedic Priest & Astrologer, and Reiki Master. My passion is in metaphysical research and writing for which I founded a blog,
My academic and professional background is grounded in Science, Technology, and Education where I have both graduate and postgraduate qualifications and over 18 years of experience.
This blend of both science and spirituality has allowed me to have an open mind regarding paranormal phenomenon and spiritual experiences; yet, as Professor Walter Kotschnig puts it, “not so open that your brains fall out.”
I have been blessed with a richness of spiritual experiences and I have been led to investigate the serious science behind these experiences. I delineate quite clearly serious science as opposed to pseudo-science. My search for scientific explanations and rationale for paranormal phenomenon has led to a rather unexpected source – Quantum Physics.
It should be noted before we go on that the preface for a book such as this is really no place for the rigorous treatment that such a topic demands. One of the best books that I have read on the matter is The Self-Aware Universe by Professor Amit Goswami. I strongly encourage interested readers to get their hands on this book and devote some time to its study.
For our purposes, an outline of some of its salient points will suffice.
The science that is commonly practiced today is very materialistic. It is based on the primacy of physical matter. Consciousness is seen as an epiphenomenon of matter ( i.e., secondary to and arising from). Quantum physics very strongly suggests what Hinduism and other eastern religions have taught for millennia:
• There is a single, unitive consciousness that precedes matter, and has created, upholds, and destroys this universe (or multiverse),
• There exists a non-physical realm (also called the spirit or astral world, or higher dimensions) that is more real than our physical world,
• This physical world is but a shadow (Maya or illusion) of that transcendental world, and that
• We are essentially spiritual beings residing in the transcendent realm, with temporary physical bodies.
This last point is particularly pertinent. We are spiritual beings. We reside in the nonphysical transcendent realm. We are currently having a human experience here on planet Earth.
It is this understanding that gives credence to this book and its description of a journey in spirit.
What exactly is a journey in spirit? I would say it is the ability to shift one’s awareness from one’s physical body to one’s subtle body that resides in the transcendent realm and consciously manipulate the subtle body. The subtle body bears a likeness to our physical form, and it is the form we possess when upon the astral or spirit planes. Most people who have a near death experience and experience being out of the body report being in their subtle bodies for the duration of the experience.
This ability to shift our awareness from physical to subtle is a skill that most of us lose almost completely when we are born upon this Earthly plane. Apparently we do it sometimes unconsciously in dream while we sleep.
It is important to note that this subtle body is not constrained by the usual physical limitations. It allows for instant and open exploration of this vast multiverse. I would thoroughly recommend reading Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton to readers whose interest may be piqued by this.
I also invite you to explore my website at for detailed articles that blend both science and spirituality into a cohesive, mutually-dependent whole; for science is incomplete without the deep meaning that only spirit can provide, and spirit without the clear reasoning of science remains a mysterious force susceptible to superstition born from misunderstanding. As Einstein famously said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
This book would not be possible were it not for the boundless grace of my Paramguru, Pt. Jeewan Maharaj. From an early age, he awakened the Divine Spark within me. Now it is my turn to do the same for others. Whatever good there is in this work is through his grace. Any faults are completely mine.
I also owe a profound debt of gratitude to Steve Beckow, Editor-in-Chief of Golden Age of Gaia, who has been encouraging me to publicly share my experiences for the benefit of others also on the spiritual path. In fact this is the genesis of this book. Steve’s encouragement to me was met with a great deal of hesitation on my part, which in turn led to deep introspection.
Why is it that we would readily share negative experiences, grouse, and complaints, and not share positive experiences of a deeply spiritual nature, the sort which gives meaning to life itself ? This book is my humble attempt to correct that imbalance.
Thus, it is with the greatest humility, and love for the Spark of Divinity within you that I present this book to you in the hope that you may find some inspiration within its pages. May the One Infinite Creator, who has written, and is now reading these words, bless us all.
Also available from the Downloads Page,
Reflections on Mourning-1