Credit: Inspired Living Affirmations
Let’s continue with our look at what life will be like after Ascension.
My point of view is that how we feel is most important to us.
The second most important matter is our continued or recovered health.
The third most important is our comfort.
I’ve written extensively about the higher-dimensional love and bliss we’ll feel after Ascension. (1)
Let’s look here at what Ascension will mean for our health.
Next we’ll look at the technology that will make our lives more comfortable.
Mike Quinsey’s sources say that, with the increase in vibrations, we’ll experience perfect health:
“With high vibrations you will not in fact be prone to illness and will enjoy perfect health.” (2)
Matthew Ward explains that, once in the Fourth Dimension, health challenges will decrease and toxins will disappear.
“Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind and spirit.
“For many years you have been assaulted by a multitude of toxins that have taken a severe toll on the populace. None of those toxic elements is in fourth density, and as you continue moving into its higher, stronger vibrations, bodies will be restored to perfection.” (3)
He tells us our bodies will change to a crystalline structure that will not degenerate.
“While … elderly folks are of heart-wrenching concern for their families at this moment, within a few years this will not be an issue. … As Earth continues her ascension into higher vibrations, people receptive to the light continuously being beamed at them will physically travel with her into the lighter density.
“The absorption of light not only brings spiritual clarity; it also changes body cells into a crystalline structure that will not degenerate as do third-dimensional body cells. Diseases now affecting the brain, along with all other diseases rampant in third-dimensional Earth, will not exist once the planet is free from the lower frequencies.” (4)
Concerns about nuclear radiation, chemtrails, etc., are unnecessary, Matthew tells us.
“Fear also arises about situations you don’ t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’ s high vibrations. All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have. … Nothing derived from darkness can exist in that density’ s high vibrations!” (5)
“You cannot in fact carry forward anything less than the perfected version of your body,” Mike’s sources say, “free of all the blemishes and defects associated with the old Earthly vibrations.” (6)
Lower density attracts impurities and diseases, SaLuSa tells us.
“Duality is simply the result of being in the lower vibrations, where matter is so solid and dense that it can attract what you might call the impurities. These are in the form of disease that cannot exist in the higher vibrations. The lower they become the greater the possibility exists of more deadly diseases. ” (7)
However, “after Ascension,” he reports, “you will have no illness or physical problems at all, as your bodies will be in a state of perfection.” (8)
There can’t be anything of more significance to most of us than the fact that death will not be present in the Fifth Dimension. Says Sheldan Nidle’s sources: “This divine realm is to be one where death and its aftermath are no longer to be found.” (9) Adds SaLuSa:
“Perhaps the most attractive aspect to you at present would be the thought of having a light-body, one that does not age and suffers no ills or diseases. One that you can also change through pure creative thought that allows you to present yourself as you wish.” (10)
Goldenlight’s sources describe how we’ll determine our body’s appearance, without death, on the higher planes:
“Our higher dimensional … society [is one] where death is not a sad, grievous occasion, but where there is actually no death and one can change body or form at will and simply dematerialize upon no longer wishing to partake in the illusion.” (11)
SaLuSa also describes the process:
“Of course when you rise up into the higher levels, you have a simple transition from one life to another without going through death. You do it through your own choosing, as you decide when it is your time to move on. You can literally step out of your old body into a new one as you desire. Along with the changes in your body cells that keep you young and healthy, you have none of the illnesses or disabling features experienced on Earth.” (12)
“If you have imperfections now such as some form of disablement, it will have been corrected before you ascend. That is possible because even now you carry the original blueprint of your perfect body, and it can be activated. Perhaps the most welcome change will be to find that your new body will stay in its perfect condition, and you will be forever young and in your prime. Furthermore, through your individual powers, you will be able to change any of your features as you desire.” (13)
The Divine Mother told us that the retreat of disease on the planet is already underway:
“What you are asking is when does the relief from disease begin. … That is an immediate shift that is already underway, as I speak to you.” (14)
Pestilence will disappear, Matthew Ward tells us:
“The balance of Nature no longer will require pestilence, so no disease-causing or transmitting factors will be present, and the common use of toxic chemicals and prescription drugs will cease. Medical treatments will drastically change until there no longer is any need for therapies because bodies, which will have a greatly longer lifetime, will become free of all forms of dis-ease.” (15)
We’ll have no need of surgery, Mike Quinsey’s sources tell us.
“The surgeon’s knife will eventually be unnecessary and problems treated without opening the body. In any event as souls rise up they will have full control over their bodies that will need little or no healing as they will remain completely healthy.” (16)
St. Germaine offers himself as proof of Nova Being:
“As you know, I have lived many times, and even in those incarnations I have lived for extended periods of time. Now that has been perceived by various humans as extraordinary, but in fact I was simply embodying the form the way it was intended to be: ageless, energetic, vigorous, healthy, a vessel for our Light. So I have been an example, not an exception to the rule but proof of the rule.” (17)
So we can look forward to perfect health, appearance by choice, and the end of pestilence and toxins after Ascension. Many of us are already seeing signs of these changes in ourselves.
(1) See:
- What Makes “True Love” True?
- Not Mystical. Just True
- The Real Reval
- Love Itself is Unconditional
- Eckhart Tolle: Personal and Transcendental Love
- Just Keep It Coming
- Reflected and Transformative Love
- Transformative vs. Romantic Love
- Transformative Love Is an Inside Job (Repost)
- True Love is Unconditional
- Loving Unconditionally; Forgiving Universally
- What is the Nature of Unconditional Love – Part 1/2
- What is the Nature of Unconditional Love – Part 2/2
(2) Mike Quinsey, July 28, 2017, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 21, 2012, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(4) Ibid., Oct. 13, 2006.
(5) Ibid., Feb. 1, 2012.
(6) Mike Quinsey, Sept. 30, 2016.
(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(8) Ibid., June 25, 2012.
(9) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, Mar. 1, 2017, at https://paoweb.com.
(10) SaLuSa, April 6, 2011.
(11) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael, and Pleiadian and Star Nations: An Intergalactic Homecoming Celebration for All – Update on Ascension and The Event,” channeled by Goldenlight, December 12, 2013 at https://thegoldenlightchannel.com.
(12) SaLuSa, Dec. 2, 2011.
(13) Ibid., July 15, 2011.
(14) “The Divine Mother on 12/12/12 and 21/12/12,” at https://the2012scenario.com/2012/12/the-divine-mother-on-121212-and-211212/.
(15) Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.
(16) Mike Quinsey, Sept. 1, 2017.
(17) “Transcript ~ Heavenly Blessings: St. Germaine Gifts Us With His Loving Cup Elixir Of Abundance And Love,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, January 26, 2016, at https://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-st-germaine-unity-action/