If we’re to build Nova Earth, we have to come to peace with our spirituality.
We can’t be fighting crusades, holy wars, and jihads any more.
And to come to peace, we try to arrive at a consensus on spiritual verities.
A “global” spirituality aims at arriving at cross-cultural agreement on those verities, such as the existence of the One, the nature of Reality, and the purpose of life.
A global “spirituality” means that we’re looking at everything connected to our relationship with Spirit, the Divine, or God – both personally and collectively.
Not simply our time spent in worship but our entire lives.
What are other partial or full synonyms for “global spirituality”?
The Perennial Philosophy, the Ancient Wisdom, the Watercourse Way, Theosophy, etc. – all these terms point to the same changeless Reality that all religions worship.
I’ve already written about some of its tenets (1) including the purpose of life, (2) the nature of enlightenment, (3) and the nature of the Trinity. (4)
What I want to do here is add a note on cross-cultural spirituality itself from the vantage point of the particular path I follow.
I follow the path of love and awareness.
When I say “the path of love,” I mean actually drawing up love from an open heart, the flow being higher dimensional than the Third. This’ll be the outcome of the planetary heart opening or “Event” that we’re all anticipating. We’ll all know what the inner tsunami of love feels like – and then watch the world change.
When I say “the path of awareness,” I mean making of oneself an object of awareness and remaining self-aware through all that happens.
I don’t mean becoming super-sensitive and taking offense at everything. I mean remaining aware of even that when it happens, along with everything else.
Both love and awareness are active practices. Drawing love up from my heart and sending it out to the world is an active practice.
Remaining aware means actually holding myself in my field of awareness always and observing all that occurs. That too is an active practice.
Awareness itself is neither passive nor neutral; however I am passive and neutral when I’m practicing being aware.
Awareness itself is active, just as love is: It dissolves conditions and moods. It’s the spiritual solvent that makes the statement come true, that “this too shall pass.”
Taking up these two practices, I apply what I know from cross-cultural spirituality to align with the nature of Reality and the purpose of life. I live my life according to what arises, trusting in the Divine and the Divine Plan.
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For the site’s Library of articles, go here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/library/
(1) Articles on the tenets of cross-cultural spirituality:
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 1/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 2/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 3/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 4/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 5/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 6/7
- An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 7/7
- Archangel Michael: Some Basic Truths of Spiritual Evolution
- Cracking the Code
- God by Any Other Name
- New Age Spiritual Philosophy
- Religious Reunification
- That Which Can Never be Forgotten
- The Ancient Wisdom or Perennial Philosophy – Part 1
- The Ancient Wisdom or Perennial Philosophy – Part 2
- The Lord Sees only Christians and Non-Christians: Is It So?
- The Perennial Philosophy
- Christianity and Hinduism are One
- Nimble Mammals Becoming Nimbler
- The One Became Two and the Two Became Three
- The Biblical Code
- A Divine Syntax
- Will the Followers of Religions Other than Christianity Ascend?
- Did the Buddha Believe in God?
- This is the Christ
- A Note to Hindu Readers on “the Christ”
- The Christ Child Within
- The Life and Teachings of Jesus
- What Might Jesus Have Meant by Saying “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”
- I am the Light of the World
- Jesus was a Non-Dualist
- Was Akhenaten a Worshipper of the Sun? Surely Not
- The Golden Rule in All Religions
(2) Articles on the purpose of life:
- The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment
- Ch. 13 Epilogue
- The Purpose of Life Restated
- Remembering the Purpose of Life
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 1
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 2
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 3
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 4
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 5
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 6
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 7
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 8
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 9
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 10
- The Purpose and Design of Life – 11
- It All Works Out in the Final Reel
- Developing Discrimination is the Reason for Physical Life
- Discrimination
- The Way Back to God
- The One Became Two and the Two Became Three
- We are Beginning to Understand the Purpose of Life
- Back to the Origin
- Up and Down the Ladder of Consciousness: The Story of Life
- The Journey of Life
- Up the Mountain to Freedom; Down the Mountain to Service
- Who Am I and What Do I Want?
- To Know God is the Purpose of Life
- Enlightenment, Ascension and Evolution
- Source Knowing Source, Me Knowing Me
- The Game of Life
- The One and Only Assignment, Lifetime after Lifetime
- This is But a Stepping Stone
- Job One
- The Possibility of Perfection
(3) Articles on Enlightenment
- Archangel Michael: Some Basic Truths of Spiritual Evolution
- What is Enlightenment and How is It Achieved?
- “Few Seek It, Fewer Attain It”
- From Glimpse to Permanence
- Enlightenment and Ascension
- How Have the Rules Changed? – Part 1/2
- How Have the Rules Changed? – Part 2/2
- Climbing Jacob’s Ladder
- Ascend or Descend?
- In Retrospect
- Loss Upon Loss Until at Last Comes Rest
- Who Am I and What Do I Want?
- Who Am I?
- Transformational Moments
- Tell Me Who You Are
- The Decision Rests with Our Angels
- Bliss is What We Seek
- Our Sacred Purpose
- Everything is About to Change
- Mounting the Spiral and Eradicating the Barriers to Self-Knowledge
- Only the Deepest Will Suffice
(4) Articles on the nature of reality as the nature of the Trinity:
- Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012
- On the Divine Mother at Navaratri – Part 1/2
- On the Divine Mother at Navaratri – Part 2/2
- What Differentiates Father from Mother? The Mother Answers
- Every Religion Worships the Mother
- Our Original Sacred Partner
- The Light and Love of the Mother
- Speaking as the Self, I Am the Way
- I am Love, Change and Constancy
- The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2
- The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 2/2
- Universal Mother: Your Family is the Legions of Light, June 18, 2013
- The Divine Mother is not a God among Gods
- On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit
- The Divine Mother, Aum, and Love
- What It Means that the Mother Should Address Us This Way
- The Law-Giving Mother and Her Lawful Universe
- The Natural Law was Created by the Father through the Mother
- In the Beginning Was the Word
- Is the “Holy Spirit” Feminine?
- The Father and the Father … by the Mother
- The Divine Mother is All We Can Know
- How the Divine Mother Was “Born”
- The Father is Stillness and Silence
- Falling into Stillness and Silence: The Father Side