Credit: Birthday Wishes Expert
With summer approaching, I’ve been recreating my apartment as a meditation retreat.
I’ve completely reorganized everything and threw out anything excessive.
I was now ready to begin a new chapter. I want to bring back my aspect as a monk. Michael noted in 2011:
“You do not have deep attachments to things. That is not your nature. In fact, my friend, sometimes I feel that you are more of a monk than anything. But that is part of your life and your delight.” (1)
And what hew says is true. I’m a flub as a cool dude. Feed me. Clothe me. And let me write and meditate.
And what was the first thing that occurred to me to be done before beginning? Following Kathleen’s lead, I forgave everyone in my life.
I joked about it being a one-time offer. One get-out-of-jail-free card. But I actually meant it.
It was the thing to do – the best and only thing to do – in this new life I was beginning. The only way to begin: With a pardon to all of one’s personal rogues gallery.
That ended drama, suffering, resentment, memory, grimaces, all off it in one fell swoop. Bring the world to peace in one go.
All the judgments I have of other people, which underpin my bad-apple list, have to be within me for me to see them without. That’s a sorry statement. Time to own my own projections.
I’m giving them and me – and everyone – a break and a fresh start. I forgive everyone.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 16, 2011.