For Heart Opening Week.
The morning of Friday, Mar. 13, 2015, at 7:00 a.m., I had a spiritual experience, which continued with me late into Friday evening. (Archangel Michael says the experience will be permanent.)
Not surprisingly, since this has happened before, I had a scheduled reading with Archangel Michael three hours later. I’ve already posted that conversation this past week. (1)
Two hours into the experience, I wrote the article that follows. It was written before I had my conversation with AAM, to record as much as I could discover about this remarkable space before hearing from him.
Archangel Michael called it a “heart opening,” “the beginning,” and “a part of” Ascension.
I slipped into a spiritual experience a short while ago (at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, Mar. 13, 2015) (2) that began so subtly that I knew I had to make a record of it.
Imagine becoming successively drunk from drinking one glass of sake after another. Only you haven’t drunk anything. I hadn’t taken so much as an aspirin. The event was clearly inner-initiated. It had no “external” cause.
I became aware of something which I thought of as “an influence” creeping up my legs and torso, which put me in a mood of love and calmness.
After the mood came to my awareness, I acknowledged to myself that it seemed like the Divine wished to communicate. (3) So I surrendered to the communication. I allowed it to continue, unhindered.
And almost immediately thereafter, in an outward sweep of the experience, it blossomed, or mushroomed, or expanded into a deep sense of love, joy and stability. (4)
I believe it was meant to be a showing, a greeting, a demonstration of what emergence onto another plane of consciousness may be like. (5)
I think there’s some correlation between it and the exercise that I’ve been doing of breathing up love and sending it out through the Third Eye. (6) I think doing that exercise may have released this energy.
Calmness predominates. It’s what allows the experience of all the other qualities. But calmness without love or joy would be like a dark night to the soul. We of this generation are spared that fate. We’ve been given the complete cleansing and purification treatment during the Mother’s baptisms and tsunamis.
I’d like to think that this state I’m in right now is what awaits us. But I don’t know.
What’s different about this experience from others?
(1) It just crept up on me, from nowhere, for no reason. It wasn’t an Aha! It wasn’t even a dawning awareness. It was an influence that saturated me.
(2) It announced itself so subtly. I was reminded of the scene in The Ten Commandments where the Destroyer’s green fog surrounds the Egyptians. That was about the feeling here as well – something almost creeping up on me. I had to become aware of it and then work my way through ideas to discover what it was or might be. I had never experienced it before.
(3) It wasn’t just one thing; it was several. I felt love, bliss, stability, OKness, (7) a propensity to joy, and a stillness of the mind. Usually I only feel one – love or stillness or bliss.
(4) It lasted. Here I am approaching ten hours from when it began and the experience of being submerged in love continues. Usually it begins to subside very soon after the experience and slips away. But this demonstrably remains. In fact some time ago, it increased. It’s now stable. That’s the opposite of an experience’s usual progress.
(5) It can be maintained in action, which is a first for me. Usually with bliss, I can’t move a muscle. This also may be a marker of our collective progress.
In this space, all is forgotten and forgiven. In it, there isn’t the possibility of error. There are only dramatized moves that don’t need to be dramatized. But they themselves are part of and embedded in a wider drama of need/hurt/revenge that so many of us are caught in. (8)
It would take years to emerge from this desert we inhabit by ordinary processing. The jump to a higher space accomplishes the task instantaneously.
This space doesn’t care about allegations or legal arguments or even matters of principle. Why? Because human beings are known to drag principle into the service of their own self-interests.
It cares only about the presence and the primacy of love.
That’s as far as I can take the reporting and analysis. I have no idea however long this will last. It’s lasted far longer than I’d expected, as of right now. Is it permanent? I don’t know that either. Is it wonderful? Superb.
(1) “Activating the Well-Spring – Part 1/2,” at and
“Activating the Well-Spring – Part 2/2,” at
(2) The vision experience I had in February of 1987 also happened on Friday the 13th.
(3) It was surrender or drown.
(4) Archangel Michael later described it as a “heart opening.”
(5) AAM actually described it later as “the beginning” and “a part” of Ascension.
(6) AAM later confirmed that there was a connection.
(7) Original innocence.
(8) Which is probably why our relationships so often don’t work.