God said:
In what diamond carat of life do We, you and I, touch on this day called today? A metaphor of hearts touch and retouch one another. Does what another senses impinge on Our hearts as well as touch? Ah, yes, the sense of sight. The sight of loved ones’ eyes soothes your reverberating heart. A loved one’s voice is like music to your ears. And to Mine, and to the world, and to Heaven.
What taste can equal that of a bee’s honey? And the scent of lavender is nectar taking a breath and becoming aware of itself.
What equals the stirring of hearts? What brings you to cross from one ocean to another to a new land when you may not see the old one ever again? You are rising, by whatever name it may be called.
Nothing is by chance, although it may seem so.
How remarkable is a life that leads you here at this moment and not later or not at all. What mysteries dissolve and what mysteries deepen?
One language beats in your heart and not in another’s heart. How decisive is life and how fantastic while you watch or barely hang on. You may be in Wonderment. Or, you may think you are ragtag, yet you forge ahead.
I chose you as you are. You may disappoint yourself, yet I am well-pleased with you Who are a sample of My Self. The Truth is that you don’t know what to make of your Self. To Me, however, you are the Heir Apparent.
What is happening to you is that you are Sleeping Beauty beginning to wake up to the Supreme Truth of Who You Are. You are a flower blooming to your astonishment. You are a rare Lady Slipper in the woods. You are rare, yet not extinct.
There are symbols of your Self distributed right and left, and left and right on to the Highest no matter how you or others may see your Self.
Awake or asleep, you are awake, Sleepyhead. What you wake up to is to your Self.
In the past, you stole away with yourself and hardly noticed, and now you notice, and you feel taken by surprise.
Beloved, you are no surprise to Me. You may find Me a surprise. You wake up, and you wake up to Me and to your Self.
You begin to wonder about this Reality that is called Oneness. Lo and behold, We are joined in Consciousness and in the Awareness of Who You are, which means that you are Greater than you dare to be, yet you art mercifully in Heaven, even as you art on Earth. Beloved, you are a sweet sparrow who sings and knows only to sing and fly from branch to branch.
Are you everyone? Do you wake up to find yourself a bird singing so simply and sweetly and, yet, only hear your Self as from a distance? Do you fly from branch to branch and sing? Are you a flower who blossoms and knows not yet what your blossoms look like, yet you must blossom in the same way you must sing?
The Universe cries for your singing, and there is nothing you can do about the inner and outer desire that you sing but to sing and to sing some more. What matters is that you sing, and the world is made happy as you sing to your heart’s content.
You hadn’t known you were a singer. You didn’t know you were a vagabond prince about to be welcomed.
How I welcome you. How happy I am. We sing on the same branch, you and I. You don’t have to know the name of the song you sing. You just have to sing.
You wonder, Beloved: If We are indeed One, is it a solo that We sing?
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