Yes, A Galactic Squirrel with a Message…
By Jean Rockefeller, April 8, 2018
So… this little gem materialized in my backyard on Friday, and can I tell you? I almost peed my pants. Thankfully my brother-in-law was there and since his phone is attached to him at all times, he was able to snap a picture. I am very familiar with all of the wildlife that visit and live in my yard and I have never seen this squirrel before and it hasn’t returned since this photo was taken.
I knew this was huge, but I had no idea just how significant it was until I sat with this squirrel’s energy and found it to be powerful and profound. I excitedly share this being’s energy with you! I did my best to share his words as accurately as possible.
I am a galactic liaison, in service, to help elevate All who inhabit this planet. I have made my presence known to validate, unconditionally, that a paradigm shift is currently underway. The scales are moving and Light IS coming into THIS reality in greater force. Along with the White Buffalo, my appearance was too foretold and I have historically made appearances to signal dramatic shifts in consciousness.
My appearance now, signifies an altruistic shift, along with a coming birth into a new reality; The New Earth. Humanity, I must thank you, You have suffered and sacrificed right along side the other Kingdoms of Creation. We are all moving into a New Age, A New Now, purified and ready for the next shift.
The next shift will be a volcanic eruption, literally, but not literally. Erupting from deep inside each being, including Gaia, which will expand us all. My energetic offering will enable you and all beings in your vicinity to ride the soon to come, undulating waves with ease and fluidity. The stable ground, which you have held onto so tightly, is about to shift. Unsettling as this may be, do not allow fear to enter your mind or your heart.
Instead, remain focused on your path and the positivity of the upcoming shift. Fear will be disseminated by lower forces parading as Light but this is merely a diversion. You can remain true to your Light and your Heart by rejecting all that invokes fear and by aligning with the highest expression of your Infinite Self. You have a choice; you can now embrace fear and remain where you are, or you can consciously choose to move to a higher vibration by embracing the upcoming changes with Joy and Light. This Now is why you chose to be here at this time. To witness all that you have worked lifetimes for is now coming to fruition!
The Squirrel has an energetic download for you which you can easily access. I encourage you to connect and download, activate and open it’s energy within you. To do so, simply do the following.
Place your hand (it doesn’t matter which one) on the picture of the squirrel and place the other hand on your Heart or any other part of your body that feels right.
Say, “Connect.”
Wait a few seconds…
Then say, “Download, Open, Activate, Integrate…NOW!” Intend that you are pulling the squirrel’s energy into your subtle bodies and down into the center of Gaia. The Squirrels energetic gift will then begin to integrate into you and Gaia. Through Gaia, intend that is unleashed into all of the Kingdoms of Creation that inhabit this planet. The Animal Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom and the Mineral Kingdom.
Honestly, you can’t mess up so do whatever feels right. It’s all about your intention. If you intend on connecting to this squirrel, you will, and that’s a fact.
To Schedule a personal session with Jean and the Watchers, please email me:
Place “session” in the subject line and it’s not necessary to include a long dialog. I just need to know;
What time zone you are located in, what days and times you are available, and if the session is for you and/or your animal companion.
You can also visit my website for more information:
Enjoy! And Thank You ALL!
Big Heart Hugs,
Jean and the Galactic Squirrel