The following are two very helpful discussions from Archangel Michael on what stewardship is. From personal readings on May 6, 2016 and April 19, 2017, through Linda Dillon.
Archangel Michael: Let us be clear about this because this is a very important discussion. Money in your realm, currency in your realm has the power to trigger many buttons.
There is a difference, and a very significant difference, between believing and operating with reference to lack and limitation and scarcity. To live abundantly does not mean that the bank is open and help yourself.
The entire purpose is that all are taken care of, each according to their soul agreement, not according to fantasy life.
Now, we want you, and, when we say you, we mean all of you, to think of money in terms of stewardship.
Steve Beckow: So that is the overarching concept?
AAM: This is the overarching principle.
Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of … Nova Earth … [will] become the spokesbeings for many. (May 27, 2016.)
So it is not coming from a place of scarcity, but it is a wise creative stewardship that does not throw money, simply for the sake of throwing money, at a problem or challenge or a situation believing, often erroneously, that it will be resolved.
Because most issues, beloved, are not about money. They are about self-worth, taking responsibility, sharing responsibility, sharing leadership, knowing when to lead and when to follow, and stepping up in ways that are creative.
What money is used for is so that a person, a group, an individual, an institution, an entire community, an entire planet can step forward without worry, without that fear which is so pervasive upon your planet, to create!
So think of money as a creation tool. And if it is not creating, if it is simply being thrown down the drain or being maintained in a way that is not creative, then it is not doing its job. (May 6, 2016.)
Archangel Michael: From the very beginning I have endeavored, as much as an Archangel can endeavor (I am playing with you), to emphasize that what you have called the RV has been about spiritual revaluation and that vision I have needed and will continue to need to bring to everybody’s attention, time and time and time again.
This is simply not about a temporal or a physical manifestation because one has committed to be a Lightworker. In fact the level of entitlement amongst many is appalling and I say that very strongly and very clearly.
It is not because you are the chosen people. It is because there is a need and an agreement and a soul agreement in the fulfilment of the Mother’s Plan that when the spiritual re-evaluation of enough people, and the commitment to truly change, takes place, then the physical manifestation of those resources come forth.
As we have said in the past, we do not make funds available to create dictators or for buying weapons of mass destruction or war.
Steve Beckow: Or châteaus in the south of France.
AAM: That is correct. That would be an abomination of the Mother’s Plan. …
So they are not just the recipients of a lottery. They are the guardians, the stewards of the practicalities to create institutions and societies that are kind and loving and, might I say, elevated, that are in alignment with the Mother’s Love. …
This delineation and even the opinions behind it, of have and have not, have need to be eradicated. So the level of maturity has need to be present.
And we suggest that you have done stellar work, and I mean you the collective and the Lightworker community, have done stellar work in this. (AAM, April 19, 2017.)