In this next passage from a reading on Jan. 18, 2018, Archangel Michael confirms that “if you choose one [incident from a vasana], understand you are choosing them all.”
That’s exactly what my experience has been in the last three months: Go for one incident and it opens up the whole feeling state or attitude. (1)
He also gives us much useful insight into the relationship between forgiveness and permission, a matter which has always perplexed me.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2018. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: Oh woe is me! Why do I have such trouble forgiving, Lord?
AAM: Because you have such high expectations of yourself and of others and you have a confusion, that you tend to confuse forgiveness with permission and of course they are not.
So in this way, you think that when you forgive someone; let us use your father as an example because it is the primary target for forgiveness at this juncture.
You tend to think – and it is more emotional/mental process than a spiritual one – that if you forgive, what you are saying is, “Oh it’s all right. It didn’t really matter.” And there is still this part of you, this part of you as a child and certainly as a young man, that is feeling browbeaten and not seen and standing there stomping your feet, saying, “You are darn right it mattered. I am hurting. I am angry. I am injured.”
So you equate the forgiveness with the permission or the submission. You think of forgiveness as submission and in fact it is ascendancy.
It is the recognition on so many levels, that you don’t want to carry the weight; that heavy, heavy burden of having to carry the injury, the angst, the memory, the energy of what has occurred.
So in forgiveness, what you are doing is truly surrendering; not to the individual who has harmed you. You are surrendering into the arms of the Mother. You are saying, “Mother, this has been a misdeed, a mis-function, a miscommunication”, everything that you do not want to experience.
And I am saying, “I do not want to carry this anymore. So while I realize that this has been misbehavior, misdeed, I’m giving it to you knowing that in the infinite realm of justice and balance that this is taken care of.
But I don’t want/ I choose not to carry this anymore so I literally dismiss the event, the misdeed, the misbehavior and the individual who has perpetrated that so that I do not need to have this weight, this burden within my sphere, within my heart. So it is empowering. It is an act of empowerment rather than disempowerment which is how you often see it is, “they won”.
Steve: Is that the same as putting it behind me?
AAM: No, because when you put it behind you, it is still behind you. So it can come up and bite you in the back. No, no, no what you want to do is literally surrender it and give it to the Mother, give it to me but do not put it behind you, do not put it beside you. Simply let it go. And in the visuals of that, you literally give it away.
Steve: Kathleen and I have taken it upon ourselves the challenge of forgiving everything by Valentine’s Day and of course we will be writing about this. Is there anything you want to say to us and to the readers about this process or the concept of forgiveness? You’ve already said quite a bit. Is there anything additional you want to say about the process of forgiveness of the motion of forgiveness?
AAM: Think of it in this way. The Mother has said and I have said that, “I am in the process of teaching you how to fly”.
The notion of forgiveness and the process of forgiveness is quite literally lightening your load so it is the process by which you are, really it is part of the process of claiming your ascension.
Now we do not say that you ascend and you never need forgiveness again for that is ridiculous. There are missteps that occur. There are moments when human beings and other beings act in ways that are not kind and full hearted.
Forgiveness always begins and ends with yourself and this is something that you often do not think of.
It is this feeling of divine authority and sometimes you lower that into the blame, shame, and fault realm.
And so you say, “Well, what did I do? It’s my fault that I put myself in a position where I could be abused.” And then it moves to, “Why did the mother or Archangel Michael put me in a position that I could be abused?” So the blame and need for forgiveness strings out.
So when you are in the process of forgiveness remember to look far and wide and in every nook and cranny and particularly in the nooks and crannies of things that you have tucked away in your own sacred self that need to be eliminated.
Steve: Okay, that’s almost a statement of Kathleen’s turnaround process isn’t it?
AAM: It is another way, yes it is.
Steve: I have had the experience that the worst cost of being angry and hateful and jealous, is having to feel those ways. It took me 70 years to connect with that but I at last have seen that. That is the real cost.
AAM: There is no win. There is no win in feeling wretched. It used to be in the blame that you would say, “I feel awful and you made me feel awful” totally absenting yourself from your own realm of decision making and choice. So it is disempowerment at its most fundamental. So yes, it is far too high a price for any being to pay.
Steve: Yes, not like I saw that for all these years. I mean it’s… (Linda coughing) thank you so much Linda, you are a real trooper.
AAM: When human beings realize that there is a deficit payment for anger, for fear, for all what you have thought of as the lesser emotional field; that they all rob you of your sense of wonder and awe and self-sufficiency and worth.
When the human collective, which is occurring right now, when they come to the place where they realize that there really is not… It is like a constant debit in that infamous credit account that you are looking at, when that realization truly takes hold… Dear hearts you are home.
Steve: I can well imagine that.
AAM: You do not need to imagine it. You are living it.
Steve: I saw that facing into shame, facing into fear caused both shame and fear to be revealed as substance-less. Now was that an aspect of the rising energies?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: Because I don’t think I would come to that realization 40 years ago in an est training or an enlightenment intensive.
AAM: No, you had seen it more as a piecemeal and that is why we say that the aspect of wisdom and wisdom vision of seeing something in its entirety and for the truth of what it is is truly manifested bigger than you can even dream of.
Steve: So I should be pushing further in that direction.
AAM: Absolutely.
Steve: And if I chose one unwanted condition or lesser…
AAM: If you choose one, understand you are choosing them all. So you may bring your focus to one and what you will see, it is like the blessings or virtues or the divine qualities which often befuddle you because you say, “But they are explained by each other”. It is so with the lesser emotions as well. If you choose one to focus on, it will clear everything.
Steve: Well, wait a minute I did. I chose fear and I chose shame. Did it clear everything?
AAM: You have reduced the boulder to a rock so you keep going.
Steve: Okay and so now you mean that metaphorically that I have reduced the boulder of all vasanas to a rock and to keep going?
AAM: Yes.
(1) See “Don’t Drop Each Worry and Fear; Drop Worry and Fear Themselves,”