I hate ____________ fill in the blank.
I hate patriarchal control.
I can say I hate men.
But that’s not it.
I hate that it feels like “God is punishing.”
But what is hatred?
When we judge ourselves or others to be less than, what is that but hatred?
Judging ourselves? Hating ourselves. . . within, without?
What are we doing?
My thanks to Janine for sending along the tragic description below of an English Class on Valentine’s Day in Parkland, Florida, the anonymous poet trying to understand what happened:
We walked into class together and sat down.
It was Valentine’s Day in our sweet Parkland town.
We were laughing and doing our work, me and my best friend.
But little did I know that 5 minutes later,
her life would come to an end.
I hear a sound. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Gunshots? That’s funny Alyssa, of course, we will survive.
We live in Parkland I thought, how could this be?
But sometimes your thoughts are not what you see.
We run under the table in disbelief.
I have my friends next to me, what a relief.
They move to the desk to seek safer shelter.
But I stayed there, thinking the sound was just bad weather.
I close my eyes and wait for my teacher to say it’s a drill.
But before I knew it, our door was shot through
and I saw his first kill.
Elaina, Alex, Justin, then Alyssa.
I’m next and this is not just paranoia.
He went to the next floor and the next.
All I could think about is, how many will be left?
The screams blasting in my ear.
The blood still won’t disappear.
I scream their names, call for my friends.
Nothing else to do, they are gone, they are dead.
Didn’t think I would live my worst nightmare.
I kept hearing shots and seeing gunpowder in the air.
I run home and check the news.
How could you do this, Nick Crus?
More and more I find out died.
I wish this didn’t happen, and he never got inside.
No feelings, no emotions
How can you comprehend this traumatic distortion?
There are no words to describe, nothing else to say
That will justify my English class on Valentine’s Day
Prince Ea: Why I Love Terrorists
Prince Ea quotes Henry Longfellow, “If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we would find enough sorrow and suffering to disarm all of our hostility.”
Understanding, compassion for each other and our selves, for our judgements, changes hatred to peace, LOVE.
Where is our Divine Connection, our truth,
our remembering PEACE and LOVE?
We are here to remember
that GOD IS L O V E
that we are LOVE
every thought
every action.
When there are billions holding the energy
of the ONLY acceptable reality
being peace and Love
then peace will reign.
Archangel Michael
I Am the Love for myself
I apologize to you, myself,
for my feelings, thoughts not of love
I forgive you, myself,
for my feelings, thoughts not of love
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Apologies, Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Peace, Love and Joy
I Am Balance
As Within
So Without