I’d like to return to our discussion of the Accountability phase of Ascension that we began three weeks ago.
What is “accountability”?
Accountability is a commitment to holding oneself responsible for thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds one carried out oneself or inspired in others.
“Being responsible for” means being willing to see oneself as cause in the matter, to try feedback on, test it out, and see if it fits (resonates).
Accountability as a phase involves:
(1) The closing down of all deep-state operations, the release of all slaves, on and off planet, and the nullification of all laws that derive from the deep-state agenda of “power over others.”
(2) The explanation to the general public, most of whom are unaware of most of what’s been going on, why so many public leaders have suddenly disappeared from the scene and others have resigned or retired.
(3) The adjudicated separation of those from whom society continues to need protection. Rehabilitation or incarceration takes place.
(4) The righting of historic and contemporary wrongs in a fashion deemed compassionate and equitable by all concerned, ending the active phase of the Accountability process.
It seems to be the Plan to have the Accountability and Abundance phases run nearly simultaneous with each other. While the White Hats are taking down the cabal, the lightworkers will be building Nova Earth with their abundance funds.
I sincerely hope that lightworkers in every country will come together to create a universal basic income for their citizens. If I have sufficient funds, I’ll be doing so for Canada. That one action could go so far to removing so much human suffering and misery.
Another name for the “Accountability phase” is “Truth and Reconciliation” (T&R).
After the active phase, commissions are put in place to oversee ongoing aspects of accountability. These would be quasi-judicial, administrative tribunals with the power to make binding decisions in the areas of their authority and appeal to the court system.
Comprised of citizens from all walks of life, legal and otherwise, they’d be tasked with overseeing gender equality, economic equality, medical ethics, international conflict resolution, etc.
What was it John Perry Barlow said? If you want to create the future, envision it. Create the blueprint. Make the template.
This is what I see Accountability as and where it’s headed.
Enough boots-on-the-ground intel sources are waking us up to the truth (redpilling us) (1) and enough citizen journalists are reporting them that we can almost follow play-by-play what’s unfolding. If we choose to.
What before was seen as chaos and mayhem can now be more clearly seen as parry and thrust, parry and thrust. The Deep State vs. the White Hats, with the outcome being already known.
This phase of things has been a long time in planning and is undoubtedly being assisted by our galactic and celestial friends.
We could watch from the sidelines and cheer on the team or we could take peaceful civil action such as boycotts. The Divine Mother suggested peaceful action like that in 2013. (2)
Whichever course we choose, the days of the deep state are over and Accountability marks the closing of the ledger.
(1) The reference is to the movie The Matrix, in which Neo is offered the choice between the red pill or the blue pill. The blue pill and he awakes from a dream. The red pill and he learns the truth.
(2) The Divine Mother suggested we consider such an action in An Hour with an Angel that year:
Divine Mother: You have need to shift attention from the glory of war to the glory of peace. And that is by having people who will speak up and take appropriate action where such persecution [of women] is present. …
It is very practical, but it begins spiritually, with the clarion call of no.
SB: Are you suggesting an economic or financial boycott in certain areas of the world in which evidence of persecution is there?
DM: That is exactly what I am saying. …
It has to also be clearly expressed that that is the reason you choose not to support that economy.
SB: Okay. I think I get where you’re going. (“The Divine Mother: Your Liftoff to Creation is Underway – Part 2/2,” February 5, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/05/the-divine-mother-your-litfoff-to-creation-is-underway-part-22/.)