As I delve more and more into forgiveness, at Kathleen’s invitation, I get to see the price I pay for unwanted conditions like anger, hatred, resentment, jealousy, etc.
Never mind all the many costs in the outside world.
The cost in the inside world is catastrophic. Rather than living in the experience of love, I condemn myself to live in the experience of anger, hatred, etc. Who in their right minds would condemn themselves to such a fate?
But I’m only seeing it now.
If I’m angry at another person, I create for myself the experience of anger, which I remain in for as long as I determine is productive. Well, none of it’s productive. What was I thinking? How’s it working for you? as Kathleen would say. Well, not at all. There must be a better way.
Hatred, resentment, jealousy – they all share two common characteristics. They’re all extreme and they’re all ego-based states of being. They’re all born of vasanas or core issues. They’re all rooted in fear. An “I” in fear.
They’re the source of much post-traumatic stress, to borrow a term. They determine how the child will grow: As the twig is bent, the tree inclines.
No matter what form the traumatic memories take that bend the twig, all of them, if followed back to the center, would quiet down and disappear. None of them has substance, I’ve come to see, except insofar as we give it to them.
Face into them and they disappear. Not like they did forty years ago! It was very difficult to make measurable progress with one’s vasanas in those more-dense days.
Their easy disappearance is a sign that I can connect very easily with, as an awareness guy. All that hampers us is our vasanas. If we can begin to really march through them – or even to find patterns and ways of completing large numbers of them at once – life could not better be.
I know I’ve said it a few times, but I feel the need to say it again here. We’re in the purification stage of the enlightenment process that Ascension is. (1) First, purification. Then, concentration. (2) And, then, Realization. (3)
The more of our baggage we can leave behind, the all-round easier the time ahead will be for us and the more we’ll be able to accomplish as we go along.
Accomplish what? Building Nova Earth. We are building Nova Earth, one brick at a time – one article, one video, one painting.
(1) All aspirants for enlightenment go through a period of purification. Ours has seen us cleanse ourselves of some of our issues, resentments, old baggage – Morley’s rattling chain. For me, anyways, there is always more cleansing to go.
(2) Concentration may take the form of meditation, contemplation, or service, any one of which would lead to samadhi, I suspect, in today’s more refined setting.
(3) Or Breakthrough/standing forth. In the case of our Ascension, the major Realization would be Sahaja Samadhi, mukti, or liberation from the dimension of life and death (the 3rd/4th Dimension). Sahaja is a permanent heart opening, the portal to the Fifth Dimension (or higher).