Kathleen has issued a challenge to all of us (me included) to forgive everything in our lives by Valentine’s Day, the day Archangel Michael said peace would come to the world. As she noted, he didn’t say the year.
Let’s make it 2018. Peace comes to Earth on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2018.
The way things are going, it could happen. The cabal may quiet down by then. Certainly our work here will boost the chances of an outbreak of peace.
What does forgiving everything mean to me?
I protest. I grumble. I get irritable.
Having a good grievance over someone increases my ability to control them through playing on their feelings of guilt and unworthiness.
Keeping a grievance alive is like having a handle on someone, the “goods.” It can be used to dust them off or other things.
I like being a victim. I just asked myself: Why?
It’s just the way I’ve done it since time out of mind. “I had to do x.” “I couldn’t say no.” Somebody “imposed themselves” on me.
I’m such a good guy.
That’s it. That’s the payoff. I get to be a nice guy, a mensch.
This act, this racket, this number conceals a massive lack of self-worth.
I’m aware that this is the very pattern, just with a different outcome, that my father and grandfather had. I thought I had stopped the intergenerational transfer there. But apparently not.
Michael in a reading today told me he’d help me see to the bottom of this one. I am actually beginning to see my racket. (Thank you, Michael.)
I paper over a lack of self-worth by being a nice guy … nobody sees my motivation. … and then periodically I get mad or burn out to shake off any unwanted obligations. That was my racket.
So all of these benefits of not forgiving people are now destined to be thrown out? How will I manipulate? How will I survive?
Was I consulted about this? I was?
And I agreed to it? OK.
Where do we begin?