Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa httpss://www.omna.org/
We are entering into a time of tremendous change. In 2018 you have the ability to manifest your dreams and desires. In truth, anything and everything you have been waiting to experience and embody, whether of a spiritual or material nature, has the opportunity to manifest.
2018 is a transitionary year. Your perspective and perceptions of yourself will shift dramatically as you create a vision for this year and the coming years of that which you wish to be. 2017 allowed your perceptions and perspectives to be cleansed and realigned with the source of love within your being. This has created beautiful foundations for you to plant seeds of that which you wish to be and experience. Anything is possible, upon the wings of love you can create anything you wish with your focus and acceptance of yourself.
Everything that you wish for, wish to embody or manifest, whether spiritual or material is within your being. Imagine yourself as a television with hundreds of channels. You have the opportunity now to choose which channel you wish to watch. Maybe you have been watching the poverty or hardship channels; now you have the opportunity to watch the abundance or fulfilment channels. This means that everything you wish to experience and embody is within your being. Therefore, you simply need to align with it and project it into your reality.
Mind’s Alignment with Love
It can be challenging to shift from viewing your life as experiences of poverty or hardship; the way you are thinking now is ingrained in your being. This is why in 2017 and before that time, your perspectives and perceptions, therefore the way you think, was aligned with the love of your soul and higher aspects.
With your mind’s alignment to love now manifested, there is a need for your mind, mental body and in truth entire being to allow this new transition to flow. Your mind and thoughts are now naturally loving, they have always been. However, the loving vibrations of your thoughts have been magnified so you can recognise them beyond the habitual patterns already running within your mind.
I, Master Kuthumi, and all light beings are inviting you to focus on the natural loving alignment of your mind, to allow it to open and engulf your entire being in the sweetest vibrations of love.
Take a moment to visualise your mind and mental body emanating love into your entire being, let it be akin to a powerful charge rejuvenating your entire being.
We are also inviting you to choose what you wish to be, embody and experience for the present stage of your life and the next few years. The new loving alignment of your mind combined with your focus on that which you wish to embody will create a beautiful new awakening within your being bringing forth your focus into your reality for you to experience.
The more you focus your mind and thoughts to the love and expression of love within you, as well as, all you wish to experience you will allow the habitual patterns of the past which no longer serve you to be dissolved permanently. This requires trust and faith in yourself and your co-creation with the source of the Universe of the Creator which exists within your being.
You are the Universe of the Creator
When you feel as if the Universe of the Creator is supporting you, bringing to you all you require and creating a smooth pathway for you to walk upon then this will be your experience continually. When you feel that the Universe of the Creator is working against you and nothing works out for you easily, then this will be your constant experience.
The key is to realise that the Universe of the Creator is within you. It is a source or well of energy, light and consciousness that you can draw upon from within your being. When you become familiar with the Universe of the Creator within you rather than out in space, you recognise it as a part of your being.
Trust and faith in the Universe builds because you no longer see yourself as separate from the Universe of the Creator, you recognise yourself as a valued embodiment of the Universe of the Creator. No longer are you working with the Universe of the Creator, you become the Universe of the Creator. Take a moment to contemplate what this would feel like and how it would influence the way you feel about yourself and life?
The outcome you would manifest would be that whatever you focus upon would manifest in your reality, you would feel a deep-seated certainty, and you would witness your focus manifesting in beautiful and magical ways. You would realise that the energies, feelings, emotions, thought, perceptions and perspectives within your being are immensely important to you, enhancing or limiting the flow of the Universe of the Creator from the source within you.
When you fully comprehend within your entire being that you are an embodiment and an expression of the Universe of the Creator, so you feel completely supported because you are experiencing your purpose upon the Earth. Not only will your desires, dreams and all you focus on expand encapsulating not only what fulfils you, others as well. You will find yourself literally creating the divine plan upon the Earth.
Everything you focus upon and bring into manifestation will have a greater meaning to you, others, in truth the entire Universe of the Creator. It is time to become your truth, to co-create in harmony with the wealth of Creator energy within your being. It is your purpose to gift all that is the Universe of the Creator to the Earth and humanity.
Accessing the Universe of the Creator
I wish to share with you an invocation to aid your remembrance of your unity with the Universe of the Creator:
‘I am ready to recognise my inner truth. I am ready for my soul to reveal to me the powerful source of the Universe of the Creator which exists within my being. I am ready to recognise myself as an embodiment and expression of the Universe of the Creator, therefore allowing the loving fulfilling energy of the Universe of the Creator to flow through my being.
‘I am the divine plan of the Creator and express the divine plan of the Creator fully through my being. In doing so, I experience the complete and absolute support of the Creator. The more I become familiar with the source and expression of the Universe of the Creator which flows through me, the more I feel supported, loved and valued by the Universe of the Creator. I recognise that what I experience within my being now manifests within my reality, therefore I focus on the loving vibrations of my mind and that which I wish to manifest and embody. I am ready for the Universe of the Creator to be revealed from within my being now. I am oneness in manifestation.’
Take time to meditate and focus your attention inward. Repeat to yourself silently and at a relaxed pace, ‘I am aware of the Universe of the Creator within me now.’ Practice this process until you feel an awareness, connection or sensation within your being that represents the Universe of the Creator to you.
Allow the energy that you experience as the Universe of the Creator within you expand to fill your entire being.
Take time to recognise yourself, your truth in the energy or experience of the Universe of the Creator. The more this is achieved, the more familiar you will become with the Universe of the Creator.
You may also wish to take time to recognise that which you wish to focus upon and manifest. Allow yourself to visualise what it would feel like to experience that which you desire. Then complete the energy, qualities and frequencies you need to awaken and activate within your being to embody all that you desire.
I am walking with you always,
Master Kuthumi