Today, January 24th, 2018, there are 21 days to Valentine’s Day.
In 2015, February 3rd to be exact, Archangel Michael asked us to co-create with the higher realms peace on Earth.
He said there would be victory — PEACE ON GAIA — on Valentine’s!
The question is which one? Which Valentine’s Day?!
We invite you to join us:
21 Days of Forgiveness
V a l e n t i n e ’ s 2018
are trust and forgiveness,
the doorway is Love.
– The Divine Mother
“The New You,” by Linda Dillon
Daily, we’ll have ideas — keys — ‘how to’ be greater peace within.
Below are some recommendations to get us started,
a suggested daily practice.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
A Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
If you feel so inclined
please share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
– Archangel Michael
channeled by Linda Dillon