Reposted from 2013:
While researching a book on the Accountability Phase of Ascension, I came across a message that President John F. Kennedy sent through Suzy Ward to the author of a book on Princess Diana.
I reproduce it here for its relevance to the generation that is watching President Kennedy’s work be completed:
Matthew Ward: Fifty years ago the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy shocked the world. But even today very few individuals know that his death had far more than a deeply emotional impact.
Eventually the truth will emerge that one of the reasons he was killed was to prevent his abolishing the privately-owned Federal Reserve System and returning the national currency to its dollar status.
That move that would have ended the Illuminati’s control of that country’s economy and severely weakened their ability to manipulate the global economy. Half a century later than Kennedy intended, the dismantling of that nefarious system is underway.
I have asked my mother to copy here the thought-provoking message she received from President Kennedy some years ago.
[The following message, which was for a British author’s book about Princess Diana that includes messages from her and several others, was transmitted December 30, 2004. I don’t know if the book was published or if so, by what title.]
To the world that I left over forty years past, I say that my spirit of love for my country and Earth never departed. My leaving was not by an accident any more than was Princess Diana’s death. Our souls had agreed to serve in this way. We knew at some level that our lives would be short on Earth by good intention, and we see that much has been accomplished in our names—more than if we had remained there.
Our lives were not lived in perfection, nor were they intended to be. Our human frailties are like many others who also did much to assist in raising the human spirit and promoting the value of each life.
I use again my words that still are publicly remembered: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. But now I amend those: Ask not what your world can do for you. Ask what you can do for your world.
LOVE is the answer, the ONLY answer to rising above the misery still befalling so much of humanity.
The spirit in which Diana and I both endeavored to serve in our respective positions is stronger than ever within us. More than ever before in the history of Earth there is opportunity to spread love throughout the world with feelings and actions. More than ever before there is imperative need for this! The moment of great transition is at hand. Contribute to this for the sake of all life on Earth and your soul’s divine nurturing.
We are never separate one from another. We are One with the Universe. (Matthew’s Message, November 23, 2013.)